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  1. SAFe Program
  2. SP-4219

Ensure OSO tools and associated components are ready for early AA0.5 usage

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      Enables the use of OSO scripting (and other OSO tools) as early as possible within PI23 to conduct AA0.5(-like) observations as part of the PI23 SAFe capabilties.

      Enables the use of OSO scripting (and other OSO tools) as early as possible within PI23 to conduct AA0.5(-like) observations as part of the PI23 SAFe capabilties.
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      1. It is possible to use OSO-scripting via a Jupyter Notebook to run a …
        1. … MID Visibility data capture observation at the MID PSI (SS-130)
        2. … LOW Visibility data capture observation at the LOW ITF(TBC) (SS-144)
        3. … LOW tied array beam data capture observation at the LOW ITF(TBC) (SS-146)
        4. … MID Holography observation in the STFC Cloud Software (SS-132).
        5. ... MID Global Pointing Model update in STFC Cloud Software only environment. (SS-131)
      2. X-ray tests are created to demonstrate the new functionality.
        1. Exact tests to be discussed at PI planning
      3. OSO tools can command observation of non-sidereal objects.
        It is possible to use OSO-scripting via a Jupyter Notebook to run a … … MID Visibility data capture observation at the MID PSI ( SS-130 ) … LOW Visibility data capture observation at the LOW ITF(TBC) ( SS-144 ) … LOW tied array beam data capture observation at the LOW ITF(TBC) ( SS-146 ) … MID Holography observation in the STFC Cloud Software ( SS-132 ). ... MID Global Pointing Model update in STFC Cloud Software only environment. ( SS-131 ) X-ray tests are created to demonstrate the new functionality. Exact tests to be discussed at PI planning OSO tools can command observation of non-sidereal objects.
    • 6
    • 6
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    • Sprint 3
    • PI23 - UNCOVERED



      What & Why?

      Bring the OSO tools (currently in existent) and the components, libraries, modules they depend upon, up to date with all recent developments, e.g. schema changes, ADR decisions etc. Such that they are capable of creating OSO entities and controlling observations as required for early AA0.5 observing scenarios. 

      This includes, but is probably not limited to:

      • Allowing the specification of Low array configurations using the 'new' MCCS schemas (v0.13.0) - these include the 'apertures' which have been designed to enable substations. So far, the configure schema in TelModel for the OSO-TMC interface has been updated, as has the CDM. These same two projects need to be updated for assign_resources (using the MCCS allocate schema) and then OSO Scripting and the PDM both need to be updated for configure and assign_resources.
      • Incorporation of the changes agreed in ADR-99 to the Mid.CBF schemas. The ADR-99 changes affect the configure command sent by OSO to TMC. The Fab Four will need to be updated: PDM, CDM, TelModel and OSO Scripting.
      • For Low.CBF, the schemas for standard correlation are not yet known (note the TBDs here), but despite this, Grant says that the existing schema suffices. However, OSO-TMC seems to be using v0.2, not 1.0 for configuring. Note that it still uses the old format for declaring stations/substations e.g. stns = [[1,1], [2,1]].
      • Beam-forming? This might already have been taken care of in TelModel, but I don't know if what's there is up to date - Low.CBF configure and child schemas are at version 1.0, but TMC only seem to be using 0.2. Note that the scan configuration for PST contains a LOT of parameters. However, the PST part of the configure command for Mid is basically empty and there's the statement "Pulsar Timing specific parameters. To be borrowed from IICD" - I don't know what that means. The PDM and OSO scripting know nothing about PST though so will need to be updated even if TelModel already has been.


      • AIV
      • System Scientist


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                Adam.Avison Avison, Adam
                Adam.Avison Avison, Adam
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                Feature Progress

                  Story Point Burn-up: (5.88%)

                  Feature Estimate: 6.0

                  IssuesStory Points
                  To Do49.0
                  In Progress   37.0



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