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  1. SAFe Solution
  2. SS-162

Mid AA0.5 global pointing model updates




      Miro ref: https://miro.com/app/board/uXjVKgORG8Q=/?moveToWidget=3458764599644094399&cot=14

      For an introduction to what is required by the science commissioning team to perform and test global pointing model updates, see the AA0.5 Mid Interferometric pointing scenario
      Anticipated high-level steps:
      1) Configure and execute an observation script commanding a sequence of pointing calibration scans (>50) for a set of point sources distributed across the sky in order to evaluate a set of observed offsets which are used to generate (fit) a set of pointing model parameters (sequence diagram 1)
      2) Once the observation script has completed, either immediately or at a later time, run a command and/or script to obtain the set of observed pointing offsets corresponding to the sequence of pointing scans (sequence diagram 2) - to be implemented by SDP.
      3) Set of offsets from step 2 are then used with KatPoint (offline processing) to evaluate a new set of global pointing model parameters. In this step we need make accessible the previous set (and or possibly the complete historical record) of parameters for comparison and/or because we may only want to fit/update a subset of the model; this point needs to be discussed with Science Commissioning prior or during PI23. - Need to define where we keep the global pointing model parameters, and the format in which the parameters are stored. (in progress in PI23)
      4) Once verified, a script or command needs to be provided to update the system with the new set of parameters. In the current design these are ultimately stored in the DS controller (sequence diagrams in SI, sequence diagram 3 (if SI version is not sufficient)) - This will be via a command originating from TMC, and flowing to DISH.LMC and eventually DS. TMC may provide to DISH.LMC a URL or similar.
      Anticipated outcome
      Demonstration and set of tests, executable in a suitable testing / staging environment, the set of steps described above; possibly with the exception of step 3 which is anticipated to be run by Science Commissioning but would be preferably provided as a worked modifiable example script to check that data from step two is sufficient
      Scripts provided for each of the steps are clearly documented in a way that they can be further modified/extended by science commissioning teams, AIV, and/or operators in future
      Anticipated product requirements (what does each product need to do; high level narrative)


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                s.vrcic Vrcic, Sonja
                r.brederode Brederode, Ray
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