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  1. SAFe Program
  2. SP-985

CSP.LMC Implement SKA States and Modes as per ADR-8 and the CS guidelines

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      CS Guidelines and the SKA Observing Control model define a coherent set of states and modes to control and report state of the telescope and its subsystems, it is important  that all components implement the SKA Control Model. 

      CS Guidelines and the SKA Observing Control model define a coherent set of states and modes to control and report state of the telescope and its subsystems, it is important  that all components implement the SKA Control Model. 
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      MVP implementation modified to fully comply with the CS Guidelines. 

      MVP implementation modified to fully comply with the CS Guidelines. 
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    • Team_CREAM
    • Sprint 4
    • 7.5
    • PI22 - UNCOVERED


      The CS Guidelines (SKA-TEL-SKO-0000656) and the SKA Observing Control model (SKA-TEL-SKO-0000860) define the key operational states for SKA devices and for SKA observing control. These documents are in the process of being updated as a result of the decisions made as part of ---ADR-8---.

      Furthermore the current version of MVP does not fully implement SKA states and modes as defined in CS Guidelines, in particular adminMode and operational state are not implemented as par CS Guidelines. 

      CS Guidelines define a coherent set  of states and modes  to  control and report state of the telescope and its subsystems. In some cases, adminMode is not implemented as initially  planned and operational state (reported as TANGO attribute state) does not reflect operational state of the subsystem but of the TANGO device itself.


      The changes affect the following packages:

      1. CSP_Common.LMC
      2. CSP_Mid.LMC

      In addition,  CSP_Mid.LMC has to be modified as per ADR-4: the content of the JSON script passed by the command configure() must be changed as follows:

      • Replace Scan ID in the JSON script passed by command configure() with Configuration ID.
      • Output links used to transmit Mid.CBF output products (visibilities) to SDP are specified in the JSON script with the rest of scan configuration.
      • The destination addresses for Mid.CBF output products (visibilities) are specified in the JSON script with the rest of scan configuration.

      The exact format of the script must be agreed upon before the implementation can begin.


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                v.mohile Mohile, Vivek
                s.vrcic Vrcic, Sonja
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