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  1. SAFe Program
  2. SP-4872

AAA v0.1 - Roadmap

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    • SRCnet AAA
    • AAA v0.1 - Roadmap
    • SRCnet
    • 0


      Key Functionalities Completed

      1. Documentation Development: Established prioritized documentation for AAI processes, enabling clearer guidelines for users.
      2. GMS Integration: Implemented a dedicated OIDC client for the Group Membership Service (GMS) to manage SCIM access effectively.

      3. FTS Deployment: Successfully deployed the File Transfer Service (FTS) to facilitate SRC IAM-authenticated token-based data movement.

      4. User Stories Development: Created user stories to capture and analyze various AAI use cases, enhancing understanding of user needs.

      5. Landscape Report Revision: Restructured the landscape report into three distinct documents for improved accessibility and focus: an executive summary, a national AAI implementation report, and a technical report on tools and technologies.

      6. Security and User Management Integration: Merged identity management functions into routine AAI operations, moving away from a solely development focus.

      7. Transitive Credential Management Solutions: Proposed methods for managing credentials in service-to-service calls, including credential delegation and token reuse.

      8. Interactive Knowledge Sharing Sessions: Organized workshops and discussions to improve understanding of AAI workflows and token management among stakeholders.

      9. Stakeholder Collaboration: Engaged national site representatives and stakeholders to gather input on local AAI infrastructure needs and impacts.

      10. Prototype Instance Testing: Established a prototype AAI service for various teams to test, ensuring its functionality and compatibility within the SRCNet ecosystem.


      Pending Tasks

      1. Documentation Review and Reprioritisation: Finalize the review of existing documentation to identify gaps and produce the required documents.

      2. Integration with SRC IAM: Complete the integration between the Storage Inventory (SI) system and the SRC IAM for seamless authentication and authorization.

      3. Credential Delegation Service Development: Implement a token-based Credential Delegation Service (CDP) to facilitate secure calls to GMS on behalf of users.

      4. Feedback Implementation: Act on feedback gathered from stakeholders regarding the landscape report and AAI use cases to refine existing processes.

      5. Testing and Validation: Conduct comprehensive testing of the deployed services, including FTS and GMS, to ensure they meet operational requirements.

      6. Further Development of AAI Principles: Iterate and develop core principles for the SRCNet AAI with stakeholder input to guide future implementations.

      7. Extended User Group Analysis: Assess the IAM group structure to support various service administration levels and user types for future data challenges.

      8. Knowledge Sharing Expansion: Plan additional workshops or sessions to deepen discussions on AAI token workflows and expand knowledge among the SRCNet development teams.

      9. Monitoring and Evaluation Framework: Establish a framework for ongoing monitoring and evaluation of AAI services to ensure continued alignment with user needs and technological advancements.


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                Debashis.Mitra Mitra, Debashis
                Debashis.Mitra Mitra, Debashis
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