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  1. SAFe Program
  2. SP-3291

Revision of Landscape Report Structure

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    • PI18
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    • SRCnet
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      The landscape report on AAI is not yet in a digestible format. The proposed revisions will divide this up to that there is an accessible executive summary, and detailed technology section (which is likely to remain as a living document) and an understanding of the current and near-future AAI methods available or under consideration at the SRC sites - the national contributions will go into a confluence page and will help understand integration ease with the IAM prototype.

      The landscape report on AAI is not yet in a digestible format. The proposed revisions will divide this up to that there is an accessible executive summary, and detailed technology section (which is likely to remain as a living document) and an understanding of the current and near-future AAI methods available or under consideration at the SRC sites - the national contributions will go into a confluence page and will help understand integration ease with the IAM prototype.
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      AC1: Accessible executive summary (for use by e.g. SRC Architecture forum members, SRCSC members and SRCNet art participants) summarising outcomes from the work which may affect SRCNet design or implementation. This should be publicly accessible and should make clear how the input leading to decisions has been gathered.
      AC2: Detailed technology section is a versioned living document
      AC3: National AAI details are in a confluence page

      AC1: Accessible executive summary (for use by e.g. SRC Architecture forum members, SRCSC members and SRCNet art participants) summarising outcomes from the work which may affect SRCNet design or implementation. This should be publicly accessible and should make clear how the input leading to decisions has been gathered. AC2: Detailed technology section is a versioned living document AC3: National AAI details are in a confluence page
    • 1.5
    • 1
    • 0
    • Team_PURPLE
    • Sprint 4
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      The LR now has a confluence structure, available here: https://confluence.skatelescope.org/display/SRCSC/Purple+Team%3A+Landscape+Report+Working+Page
    • PI23 - UNCOVERED

    • PI18-PB SRC-AAI
    • SRC-G6


      Revision of Landscape Report Structure

      The existing Landscape report has grown in scope and size beyond its initial concept. The existing report should be divided into at least three smaller documents:

      • Executive summary of the AAI Landscape
      • Report on National AAI implementation
      • Technical Report on Tools and Technologies

      The National Report and the Tools and Technology resources should exist as confluence pages, and the executive summary as a live document for collaboration and sharing.
      The contributor list and consultative group should be published as a separate page on confluence.

      BH: The existing LR has become large and unwieldy, and is not useful for the scope of its initial design. This work should help make the LR more accessible, and drive further work in this space
      AC: The new reports exist as SRCNet confluence pages, with live google docs as collaborative tools as necessary.


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                r.bolton Bolton, Rosie
                T.Dack Dack, Tom
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                  Feature Estimate: 1.5

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                  To Do00.0
                  In Progress   00.0



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