Should have
Obs Mgt & Controls
Create scenarios for DishManager long running commands and discuss with the feature owner to identify scenarios additional to the one below. Use these scenarios to inform the implementation.
DishManager implements some commands as long running / asynchronous commands. DishManager also implements reporting of progress and status of commands and a mechanism to manually abort long running commands (see DishManager API).
This feature is to implement a configurable time-out for each long running command of DishManager.
GIVEN DishManger received SetStandbyFPMode command
AND DishManager has sent commands to SPF and Dish Structure
AND Dish Structure completed its command
WHEN the time-out period of the SetStandbyFPMode command ___
THEN DishManager will after a configurable time-out period:
* generate a log message,
* report the long running command as having failed (fill in here the actual enumeration label) via long running command status attribute and via log message:
longRunningCommandStatus: COMPLETED
longRunningCommandResult: FAILED, <string explaining it timed out>
At the time of time-out the Dish is not in a defined dishMode (either STANDBY_LP or STANDBY_FP in this case). Dish LMC may report dishmode UNKNOWN (TBC).
Dish LMC will raise a TANGO alarm because dishMode transitioned to UNKNOWN.
Note that DishManager will not attempt to restore Dish to the last defined state before the SetStandbyFPMode command was received.
If TMC MID (or a user) wants to re-issue the SetStandbyFPMode they would first have to set Dish to a defined dishMode (STANDBY_LP in this case) and then issue the SetStandbyFPMode command again.
Time-out period per command as attributes can be set by the user to overriden "factory default" values set as TANGO properties.