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  1. SAFe Program
  2. SP-2363

Visibility Receive workflow enhancements

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    • Feature
    • Must have
    • PI14
    • COM SDP SW
    • None
    • Data Processing
    • Hide

      See description

      See description
    • Hide
      • New release of the visibility receive workflow (with sufficient documentation and following SKA release management practices)
      • BDD style, Xray tests, preferably in the SDP integration repository and based on those being developed for SP-2364 (and pervious SDP integration work) that verify:
        • The vis receive workflow makes use of station coordinates obtained from the telescope model configuration service (SP-2369)
        • The visibility receive workflow is able to capture data from successive scan, with scan information persisted into the resultant data file(s). note this may also be done by SP-2369 (dropped from parent objective on 2022-05-04)
        • The new workflow can operate with >1 (configurable, default 30) channels per UDP socket.
      • (Stretch) In collaboration with the teams working on QA integration (SP-1977 & SP-2368) demonstrate QA displays for the new visibility receive workflow
      • (stretch) New release of the CBF-SDP emulator capable of working with data dumps from the MID-CBF hardware (Tallon Demonstrator Correlator TDC)
      New release of the visibility receive workflow (with sufficient documentation and following SKA release management practices) BDD style, Xray tests, preferably in the SDP integration repository and based on those being developed for SP-2364 (and pervious SDP integration work) that verify: The vis receive workflow makes use of station coordinates obtained from the telescope model configuration service ( SP-2369 ) The visibility receive workflow is able to capture data from successive scan, with scan information persisted into the resultant data file(s).  note this may also be done by SP-2369 (dropped from parent objective on 2022-05-04) The new workflow can operate with >1 (configurable, default 30) channels per UDP socket. (Stretch) In collaboration with the teams working on QA integration ( SP-1977 & SP-2368 ) demonstrate QA displays for the new visibility receive workflow (stretch) New release of the CBF-SDP emulator capable of working with data dumps from the MID-CBF hardware (Tallon Demonstrator Correlator TDC)
    • Inter Program, Intra Program
    • 5
    • 5
    • 8
    • 1.6
    • Team_YANDA
    • Sprint 5
    • Hide

      AC1: A new RCAL consumer based on the RASCIL BlockVisibility object has been provided. (It was used in ORCA's sysdemo 14.6 of SP-2142)
      AC2: Added BDD style test making use of station coordinates from TM configuration service.

      Multiple scan support has not been implemented when running out of implementation capacity and it is now in the PI15 backlog as new feature SP-2483.

      AC1 : A new RCAL consumer based on the RASCIL BlockVisibility object has been provided. (It was used in ORCA's sysdemo 14.6 of SP-2142 ) AC2 : Added BDD style test making use of station coordinates from TM configuration service. Multiple scan support has not been implemented when running out of implementation capacity and it is now in the PI15 backlog as new feature SP-2483 .
    • 17.5
    • Stories Completed, Integrated, BDD Testing Passes (no errors), Outcomes Reviewed, NFRS met, Satisfies Acceptance Criteria, Accepted by FO
    • PI24 - UNCOVERED

    • SPO-1590



      • For AA Operators, AIV Engineers, and commissioning scientists 


      • A new release of the SDP visibility receive workflow along with associated emulators needed for testing
      • We need to consider the following:
        • Testing a model that can handle more than 1 channel (expected to be 30) per UDP stream
        • Make sure the telescope model configuration service is a source of truth across the telescope so that metadata captured in Measurement Sets is complete and consistent
        • An emulator mode capable of using raw data dumps produced from the test correlator hardware to derisk end-to-end test with CBF hardware in PI15
        • Receive supports multiple successive scans capturing appropriate metadata for each
        • Supporting teams working on QA display integration if needed (although expected to be decoupled through data exchange in the Plasma)
        • Analysis and capturing any possible issues that might arise if we were to deploy a persistent version of SDP with this workflow for stakeholders to play with (and try to break)


      • Visibility receive is a core function for integration and commissioning tests.



      Further improvements aimed at issuing a new release of the SDP visibility receive workflow for use with MID PSI testing.

      To be considered:

      • Use of a simple telescope model configuration data service (including associated updated control and configuration schemas for running the workflow)
      • Configuration and tests for running with 10+ channels in one stream/port
      • Execution and data capture from multiple successive scans
      • Emulator modes for testing with data fields captured from the CBF hardware
      • Working with AIV engineers to define test scripts for demonstrating this pipeline at the PSI (towards end of PI14 or during PI15)


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                b.mort Mort, Ben
                b.mort Mort, Ben
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                4 Start watching this issue

                Feature Progress

                  Story Point Burn-up: (100.00%)

                  Feature Estimate: 5.0

                  IssuesStory Points
                  To Do00.0
                  In Progress   00.0



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