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  1. SAFe Program
  2. SP-2142

RCAL integrated as an SDP workflow

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    • PI14
    • COM SDP SW
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    • Data Processing
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      For the AA0.5 system, a real-time flagging and calibration workflow will either be a required SDP function or, at the very least be extremely valuable, to have for testing to reduce the system risk of operating this workflow which needs to exercise interfaces with multiple SKA software systems and provide a solution for a single bore-sight tied-array beam which may prove valuable for engineering and science commissioning tests.

      This functionality is anticipated to take several PIs to complete and test to provide a robust and resilient workflow for use with AA0.5 commissioning tests, continuing this development is therefore crucial at this stage.

      For the AA0.5 system, a real-time flagging and calibration workflow will either be a required SDP function or, at the very least be extremely valuable, to have for testing to reduce the system risk of operating this workflow which needs to exercise interfaces with multiple SKA software systems and provide a solution for a single bore-sight tied-array beam which may prove valuable for engineering and science commissioning tests. This functionality is anticipated to take several PIs to complete and test to provide a robust and resilient workflow for use with AA0.5 commissioning tests, continuing this development is therefore crucial at this stage.
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      • Integrated SDP workflow which flags and calibrates simulated data.
      • Investigation of how the workflow can be tested in SDP and System integration environments.
      • Investigation of how calibration solutions can be fed back to CBF.
      • Improved version(s) of the real time flagging algorithm resulting from the analysis and comparison.
      • A report on the performance comparison of the different flagging algorithms.
      Integrated SDP workflow which flags and calibrates simulated data. Investigation of how the workflow can be tested in SDP and System integration environments. Investigation of how calibration solutions can be fed back to CBF. Improved version(s) of the real time flagging algorithm resulting from the analysis and comparison. A report on the performance comparison of the different flagging algorithms.
    • Intra Program
    • 10
    • 10
    • 5
    • 0.5
    • Team_HIPPO, Team_ORCA
    • Sprint 5
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      HIPPO Team

      The sum-threshold RFI flagger was merged into the main branch of the processing function library and integrated into the RCAL workflow (processing script). The real-time RFI flagger was improved and tested on real and simulated data. A two-state algorithm was implemented into C with the expectation that it will be merged into the processing function library in PI15. The confluence page for RFI was amended (https://confluence.skatelescope.org/display/SE/Exploring+statistical+approaches+to+measure+variations+of+RFI+contaminated+data).



      Orca Team

      We have implemented a prototype of an integrated receive and real-time calibration pipeline. The calibration has been implemented as a visibility "consumer" which can be driven by the receive process as part of the existing visibility receive workflow. The code is in the RASCIL repository in the yan-982-rcal-consumer branch. It has not been merged yet because there are outstanding questions to resolve, as described in the related merge request. Due to outside factors, our work on the integration was started until much later than planned. As a result, it is only capable of processing a single time sample at a time. It was not possible to integrate it with the flagging because that would require more than one time sample to be held in memory.

      We have investigated the interface for publishing real-time calibration solutions to be consumed by CBF. The current versions of the ICDs are lacking in detail, so we have raised ADR-58 to clarify the issues, including the the dimensions, sizes and data rates.

      HIPPO Team The sum-threshold RFI flagger was merged into the main branch of the processing function library and integrated into the RCAL workflow (processing script). The real-time RFI flagger was improved and tested on real and simulated data. A two-state algorithm was implemented into C with the expectation that it will be merged into the processing function library in PI15. The confluence page for RFI was amended ( https://confluence.skatelescope.org/display/SE/Exploring+statistical+approaches+to+measure+variations+of+RFI+contaminated+data ).     Orca Team We have implemented a prototype of an integrated receive and real-time calibration pipeline. The calibration has been implemented as a visibility "consumer" which can be driven by the receive process as part of the existing visibility receive workflow. The code is in the RASCIL repository in the yan-982-rcal-consumer branch . It has not been merged yet because there are outstanding questions to resolve, as described in the related merge request . Due to outside factors, our work on the integration was started until much later than planned. As a result, it is only capable of processing a single time sample at a time. It was not possible to integrate it with the flagging because that would require more than one time sample to be held in memory. We have investigated the interface for publishing real-time calibration solutions to be consumed by CBF. The current versions of the ICDs are lacking in detail, so we have raised ADR-58 to clarify the issues, including the the dimensions, sizes and data rates.
    • 16.5
    • Stories Completed, Integrated, Outcomes Reviewed, Satisfies Acceptance Criteria, Accepted by FO



      • AA Operators, AIV Engineers, and commissioning scientists


      An integrated real-time pipeline including the following functionality:

      • able to receive data from visibility receive workflow
      • real-time flagging
      • real-time calibration
      • deployable as an SDP workflow
        This may also begin to address what the required interfaces and data models are to feedback the calibration solutions, as well as how these solutions could be included in QA displays.
      • A proof of concept of the interface for providing calibration solutions to other CBF (Tango or alternative TBD)

      Improve the existing real-time flagging algorithms (spatial correlation index, two-state model) and quantify their accuracy and computational time. 

      Initially, the flagger will be a place holder to be replaced by the end of the PI with improved algorithms.



      Having the capability to provide a pipeline to feedback real-time solutions for a single bore-sight tied-array beam is needed for AA0.5 to de-risk the development and definition of the interfaces required as well as ensure sufficient testing of the system.



      This is intended to continue work from PI12 which combined real-time RFI flagging into the existing real-time pipeline see SP-1980. The aim here is to integrate this RFI+calibration pipeline as an SDP workflow which consumes data from ''Visibility Receive' as a data source. This will need to consider the Configuration schema and deployment chart (SP-1978), the concurrency with the visibility receive workflow (SP-1978) and the provided interfaces for calibration products (see SP-461). This should also consider the role of and connection to an integrated and configurable QA display that makes use of the data from this workflow (SP-1977)

      ADR needed?


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                D.Fenech Fenech, Danielle
                b.mort Mort, Ben
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                  Story Point Burn-up: (100.00%)

                  Feature Estimate: 10.0

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                  To Do00.0
                  In Progress   00.0



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