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  1. SAFe Solution
  2. SS-129

Mid fine channel selection and identification


    • MID ART, Obs Mgt & Controls
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      Rational for this work and benefits are documented on the ADR-99 page in Solution Intent, see section Context.

      Rational for this work and benefits are documented on the ADR-99 page in Solution Intent, see section Context. https://confluence.skatelescope.org/display/SWSI/ADR-99+How+to+identify+and+select+Fine+Channels+in+MID+Telescope
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      Design changes agreed with the Architects, SDP Team, TMC Team and CSP.LMC. ADR-99 moved to DECIDED.
      JSON Schema for the Configuration updated and reviewed.
      New version available in the Telescope Model.
      MID CBF implements required functionality.
      SDP implements required functionality.
      TMC and CSP.LMC implement required functionality (if changes needed) and support the new version of the Configuration schema.
      If possible integrated in MID PSI.

      Design changes agreed with the Architects, SDP Team, TMC Team and CSP.LMC. ADR-99 moved to DECIDED. JSON Schema for the Configuration updated and reviewed. New version available in the Telescope Model. MID CBF implements required functionality. SDP implements required functionality. TMC and CSP.LMC implement required functionality (if changes needed) and support the new version of the Configuration schema. If possible integrated in MID PSI.
    • 1.5
    • Team_BUTTONS, Team_CIPA
    • Sprint 5
    • Overdue
    • PI23 - UNCOVERED


      The purpose of this Capability is to finalize the Architectural Decision ADR-99 and implement agreed functionality.
      The context, rationale for the proposed change, alternatives considered and the decision are documented on the ADR-99 page in Solution Intent:

      Note: This Capability has been de-scoped in PI22 due to lack of capacity in the CIPA Team.

      Plan for PI22:

      • CIPA Team will draft the ADR-99 decision and release for review.
      • After the review, a new version of the MID CBF configuration schema will be published in the Telescope Model.
      • Buttons team will update the configuration schema, and make any other changes required to incorporate changes introduced by ADR-99.

      Work to contine in the future PIs:
      ADR-99 decision to be implemented by the MID CBF, SDP, CSP.LMC, TMC and OSO. Most of the work is in MID CBF. Based on the discussions so far, SDP changes to be implemented in SDP will be rather small. TMC and CSP.LMC most likely need only to upgrade to the new version of the JSON schema. OSO will also have to upgrade to the new version of the JSON schema, depending on the solution adopted changes be negligent.


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                s.vrcic Vrcic, Sonja
                s.vrcic Vrcic, Sonja
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                  Capability Estimate: 1

                  CountFeature Points
                  In Progress   00



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