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  1. SAFe Program
  2. SP-736

CSP_Mid.CBF Subarray configuration for the observing mode PST


    • Obs Mgt & Controls
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      Implement configuration for observing mode PST to verify that Mid.CBF MCS design and implementation, including JSON scripts,  can be extended to support configuration of multiple concurrent observing modes in the same sub-array, test design concepts, and support  MVP extension to include PST. 

      Implement configuration for observing mode PST to verify that Mid.CBF MCS design and implementation, including JSON scripts,  can be extended to support configuration of multiple concurrent observing modes in the same sub-array, test design concepts, and support  MVP extension to include PST. 
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      Mid.CBF MCS implements functionality required to support scan configuration and execution for observing mode PST. 

      Mid.CBF MCS implements functionality required to support scan configuration and execution for observing mode PST. 
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    • 2.5
    • Team_CIPA
    • Sprint 5
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      The two main aspects of this feature have been implemented, tested and merged into master (https://gitlab.com/ska-telescope/mid-cbf-mcs). The outcomes include the following:

      A) Support for the FSP PST-BF mode configuration (AT5-611, AT5-612):

      1 - Addition of CbfSubarrayPstConfig and FspPstSubarray TANGO device classes; these devices manage the PST-BF configuration parameters (including function mode, frequency slice, and timing beam configuration) and assigned resources (receptors and corresponding VCCs, FSPs) of a given subarray.
      2 - Expansion of the CbfSubarray device class functionality: PST-BF scan configuration mode was added, and subscription to TM data updates now allows data to pass regularly to either VCCs or FSPs before and during a scan, including Jones matrices, delay models and timing/search beam weights.
      3 - Expansion of the Fsp device class functionality: PST-BF scan configuration mode was added, and FSPs can now receive scan parameter updates regularly before or during a scan, using the publish-subscribe paradigm, including Jones matrices, delay models and timing beam weights.
      4 - Expansion of TM emulator device (TmCspSubarrayLeafNodeTest) to provide subscription point for timing/search beam weights updates.
      5 - Creation of json files for simulation of Jones matrix, delay model and timing beam weight data for testing purposes.
      6 - Additions to example scan configuration files (test_ConfigureScan_basic.json, test_ConfigureScan_onlyPst_basic.json).
      7 - Verification of correct PST-BF scan configuration data with pytest test cases (in CbfSubarray_test.py)

      B) Implementation and testing of transmission and reception of Jones matrices from TM emulator to VCC for PSS scan configuration (AT5-613)

      The two main aspects of this feature have been implemented, tested and merged into master ( https://gitlab.com/ska-telescope/mid-cbf-mcs ). The outcomes include the following: A) Support for the FSP PST-BF mode configuration (AT5-611, AT5-612): 1 - Addition of CbfSubarrayPstConfig and FspPstSubarray TANGO device classes; these devices manage the PST-BF configuration parameters (including function mode, frequency slice, and timing beam configuration) and assigned resources (receptors and corresponding VCCs, FSPs) of a given subarray. 2 - Expansion of the CbfSubarray device class functionality: PST-BF scan configuration mode was added, and subscription to TM data updates now allows data to pass regularly to either VCCs or FSPs before and during a scan, including Jones matrices, delay models and timing/search beam weights. 3 - Expansion of the Fsp device class functionality: PST-BF scan configuration mode was added, and FSPs can now receive scan parameter updates regularly before or during a scan, using the publish-subscribe paradigm, including Jones matrices, delay models and timing beam weights. 4 - Expansion of TM emulator device (TmCspSubarrayLeafNodeTest) to provide subscription point for timing/search beam weights updates. 5 - Creation of json files for simulation of Jones matrix, delay model and timing beam weight data for testing purposes. 6 - Additions to example scan configuration files (test_ConfigureScan_basic.json, test_ConfigureScan_onlyPst_basic.json). 7 - Verification of correct PST-BF scan configuration data with pytest test cases (in CbfSubarray_test.py) B) Implementation and testing of transmission and reception of Jones matrices from TM emulator to VCC for PSS scan configuration (AT5-613)
    • 10.6
    • Stories Completed, Integrated, BDD Testing Passes (no errors), Outcomes Reviewed, NFRS met, Satisfies Acceptance Criteria, Accepted by FO


      Extend existing implementation of Mid.CBF MCS to include scan configuration and execution for the observing mode PST. "Scan execution"  in this context means that a sub-array transitions to obsState=SCANNING. Re-configuration is implemented for the TANGO Device Mid.CBF Sub-array and does not include configuration of software and firmware on the TALON-DX boards. 

      This involves implementing a new class, CbfSubarrayPstConfig() together with corresponding pytest testing methods, updates tot the TMC Emulator a well as new scripts for generating the required configuration input json files.  This class exposes attributes and commands as per the interface described in Section of the LMC-to-CSP-sub-elements ICD.


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                A.Noutsos Noutsos, Aristeidis
                M.Radulescu Radulescu, Michelle
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