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  2. SP-690

TALON Infrastructure - EMI/EMC pre-compliance testing

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      Early EMI/EMC pre-compliance testing of the TALON-DX signal processing board and TALON LRU will reduce construction risk for Mid.CBF and to some extent the RXPU LRU in the DSH SPFRx system.  Pre-compliance testing will give an indication of whether the design is ready for full compliance testing or whether design changes are required.  The earlier design changes can be made, the better.  Execute a EMI/EMC pre-compliance test could also pave the way to earlier full compliance testing and the possibility of deploying production hardware for AA1.  This will save cost by reducing the amount of prototype hardware.

      Early EMI/EMC pre-compliance testing of the TALON-DX signal processing board and TALON LRU will reduce construction risk for Mid.CBF and to some extent the RXPU LRU in the DSH SPFRx system.  Pre-compliance testing will give an indication of whether the design is ready for full compliance testing or whether design changes are required.  The earlier design changes can be made, the better.  Execute a EMI/EMC pre-compliance test could also pave the way to earlier full compliance testing and the possibility of deploying production hardware for AA1.  This will save cost by reducing the amount of prototype hardware.
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      EMI/EMC pre-compliance test campaign is executed by a suitable contractor.

      Results are reviewed and a report is written outlining the path forward to full compliance testing.


      EMI/EMC pre-compliance test campaign is executed by a suitable contractor. Results are reviewed and a report is written outlining the path forward to full compliance testing.  
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    • Team_CIPA
    • Sprint 5
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      Completed pre-compliance tests at QAI Labs to measure parameters that were deemed to be highest risk.
      Obtained the bulk of the raw measurements from QAI Labs
      -Mil-Std-461-G RE102 radiated emissions
      -CISPR-32/EN55032 radiated emissions and conducted emissions
      -EN-61000-3-2 "Harmonic current emissions"
      -EN-61000-3-3 "Inrush Current",
      -EN-61000-4-11 "voltage changes, voltage fluctuations and flicker"
      Tabulated Mil-Std-461-G RE102 radiated emissions data in attached spreadsheet
      Tabulated CISPR-32/EN55032 radiated emissions and conducted emissions data in attached spreadsheet.
      Analysed the RE102 radiated emissions data, converted from electrical field strenght to power spectral density (PSD) and compared it to the SARAS onsite regulation levels to confirm that the Mid.CBF Talon LRU set will comply with onsite regulations.

      Couldn't yet complete report, as the expected report from QAI has not yet been received.
      Initial observations to date (without the QAI report):
      Talon LRU seems to comply with Class B (lower levels) radiated emission limits
      Mid.CBF seems to comply with SARAS regulation limits wrt radiated emissions
      Talon LRU seems to meet EN-61000-3-2 Class-A Harmonic current emissions limits
      Talon LRU seems to meet EN-61000-3-3 "Inrush Current" limits on startup and steady state operation
      Talon LRU seems to meet EN-61000-4-11 "voltage changes, voltage fluctuations and flicker" conditions and continue to operate.

      Require +/- 3-5 PDs to read the QAI Lab report, generate 5 page report on observations and recommendations.
      Communicated again with QAI Labs on Feb. 19th, trying to get confirmation that the testing report can be provided by Friday, Feb. 21th

      I received a draft report from QAI Labs yesterday (2020-02-25) and have not yet had the time to review it since were doing planning for PI#6. I have done some analysis on results but have not done my slide presentation/document with conclusions and recommendations. I was requested to add the intermediate draft results to this feature. It is without explanation and interpretation. This feature needs to be completed/backfilled as soon as possible.

      Completed pre-compliance tests at QAI Labs to measure parameters that were deemed to be highest risk. Obtained the bulk of the raw measurements from QAI Labs -Mil-Std-461-G RE102 radiated emissions -CISPR-32/EN55032 radiated emissions and conducted emissions -EN-61000-3-2 "Harmonic current emissions" -EN-61000-3-3 "Inrush Current", -EN-61000-4-11 "voltage changes, voltage fluctuations and flicker" Tabulated Mil-Std-461-G RE102 radiated emissions data in attached spreadsheet Tabulated CISPR-32/EN55032 radiated emissions and conducted emissions data in attached spreadsheet. Analysed the RE102 radiated emissions data, converted from electrical field strenght to power spectral density (PSD) and compared it to the SARAS onsite regulation levels to confirm that the Mid.CBF Talon LRU set will comply with onsite regulations. Couldn't yet complete report, as the expected report from QAI has not yet been received. Initial observations to date (without the QAI report): Talon LRU seems to comply with Class B (lower levels) radiated emission limits Mid.CBF seems to comply with SARAS regulation limits wrt radiated emissions Talon LRU seems to meet EN-61000-3-2 Class-A Harmonic current emissions limits Talon LRU seems to meet EN-61000-3-3 "Inrush Current" limits on startup and steady state operation Talon LRU seems to meet EN-61000-4-11 "voltage changes, voltage fluctuations and flicker" conditions and continue to operate. Require +/- 3-5 PDs to read the QAI Lab report, generate 5 page report on observations and recommendations. Communicated again with QAI Labs on Feb. 19th, trying to get confirmation that the testing report can be provided by Friday, Feb. 21th I received a draft report from QAI Labs yesterday (2020-02-25) and have not yet had the time to review it since were doing planning for PI#6. I have done some analysis on results but have not done my slide presentation/document with conclusions and recommendations. I was requested to add the intermediate draft results to this feature. It is without explanation and interpretation. This feature needs to be completed/backfilled as soon as possible.
    • 6.6
    • PI24 - UNCOVERED

    • TALON-Infra Team_CIPA


      EMI/EMC pre-compliance testing is required to ensure that the TALON-DX board and TALON LRU designs will meet the relevant non-functional requirements.  If there are issues in these areas, then detecting and addressing them early will save money.  The following activities are planned for this feature:

      • TALON LRU with two TALON-DX signal processing boards is assembled.
      • Test firmware that exercises the FPGA and board level components in a representative manner is installed on each TALON-DX board.
      • A suitable contractor is found to execute an EMI/EMC pre-compliance test campaign.
      • Test results are reviewed and a report written on the path forwards to full compliance testing.


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                T.Nkawu Nkawu, Treasure
                m.pleasance Pleasance, Michael
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                  Story Point Burn-up: (100.00%)

                  Feature Estimate: 2.0

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                  In Progress   00.0



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