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  1. SAFe Program
  2. SP-524

Webjive with enhanced dashboards

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      See above for each of the items.

      Implementing this feature would lead to visible changes in the dashboards that will be used in the PI demos.

      See above for each of the items. Implementing this feature would lead to visible changes in the dashboards that will be used in the PI demos.
    • 2
    • 5.5
    • Hide

      Both of the two new features are implemented on webjive suite, and can be seen live on:
      Also, a screencast was created to show these features:

      Both of the two new features are implemented on webjive suite, and can be seen live on: http://integration.engageska-portugal.pt/testdb/devices Also, a screencast was created to show these features: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1KXlkDZsSGti9DaOVAPEdWHAhs7oy8NTB/view?usp=sharing
    • 5.4
    • PI22 - UNCOVERED


      This feature contains several smallish improvements/extensions of webjive. 

      Each of these "items" could be developed separately. This feature is just a collection of almost independent functionalities.

      Conditional expressions for styles

      Conditional expressions, now available only for the LED, are binary. And the only property that can change is the color of the LED, and the possibly colors are green (the default color) vs orange or red (which can be chosen based on whether the condition evaluates to true). A more powerful mechanism is needed to express several conditions for several styles (for example, one condition that determines if the LED is green, another one for yellow, another for red). Likewise a more powerful mechanism is needed to specify the style that is desired. For example a style can be "red+triangular shape", or "yellow+circular shape".

      One possibility is to provide a simple mechanism so that the condition and style can be specified via the webjive UI (similar to what is done now in the widget configuration panel on the right handside of the editor of the dashboard). Another possibility - complementary with the first one - is to provide the means for the power user to specify one or more predicates in javascript - one per each condition - and one or more CSS expressions (names of CSS classes for example) one for each style that is desired. The power user would enter these expressions in the config panel. Webjive would inject those expressions in the internal representation of the dashboard.

      For the UI part, see for example what the Grafana editor allows users to do. The attached screenshot show how the user could create new conditions on ranges of the value (by pressing the + sign) and the color chooser. Notice that this Grafana example shows the ability to specify simple conditions based on the attribute value only, and simple style specifications based on the color alone.  


      • the power user would have flexibility in specifying styles and
      • users of the UIs will be more effective in using them.
      • the UIs will be more attractive.

      This has been moved to feature https://jira.skatelescope.org/browse/SP-694.

      Conditional styles

      Conditional styling of widgets (now partly applicable to the LED widget only) can be applied also to the dial widget, to the plotting widgets, to the state and attribute display widgets. Conditional styles apply to background color, font size and style, possibly shape (for the LED).


      • users of the UIs can quickly figure out changes in states or values, and detect if values are within certain ranges. In addition, by proper use of colors users would more quickly distinguish different areas of the screen and make associations between widgets in different areas.

      This has been moved to feature https://jira.skatelescope.org/browse/SP-694.

      Wrapping of string attributes 

      Wrapping of attribute string values. In the current version of the dashboards developed for the TMC system demo, there are several attributes whose values are truncated because the field area in which they are shown is too small. Some solution needs to be adopted so that they are either wrapped or even better if they can be scrolled
      left-right so that users can actually read them all.


      • improvement in the look&feel of dashboards, that would give a more professional look to the dashboards

      This has been moved to feature https://jira.skatelescope.org/browse/SP-822.

      Dropdown menu

      A dropdown menu can be specified associated to a command so that users of a dashboards can select the string to pass to the command by choosing one option from the menu.


      • it is a compact solution to the problem of avoiding copying-pasting these strings fro mexternal files into ebjive dashboards.

      This has been moved to feature https://jira.skatelescope.org/browse/SP-823.

      Visual grouping 

      Users of dashboards may need to compare or view logically related information that need to be grouped. It is useful to be able to group the widgets showing those data. For example, the user may want to compare the applied delays with the latest calculated ones. The grouping could also allow the UI designer to move/resize/change properties such as the background colour to the entire set of widgets of the group improving productivity. The grouping could be visible for the user of the dashboard. It could be represented by a thin line, a different background colour, some texture, a text label or other visual artifacts. BTW, in HTML there is the FIELDSET tag that achieves that.


      • During the recent system demo we have seen how UI designers coped with this webjive limitation; they reated sets of colored labels and attempted to use white space as the separator of the SDP-related widgets from the TMC-related ones. Those effects should be achieved with these grouping.

      This has been moved to feature https://jira.skatelescope.org/browse/SP-693.

      Structural grouping

      When editing a dashboard the UI designer can multiple-select several widgets already placed in the dashboard and mark the selection as a single group. The group can then manipulated (moved or removed) as a single entity in the dashboard. Elements within a group cannot be operated upon by the dashboard editor unless the group is "ungrouped".

      A group can contain widgets or other groups. The grouping/ungrouping operations are not recursive (eg. I can group a command widget and a group of a label and attribute viewer; to change the label I need to ungroup this newly created group and then ungroup the label+attribute group).

      A group can be moved in the dashboard; its layout cannot be changed (unless it is first ungrouped). The layout of the group is the defined by the outer edge of its elements. A group can be duplicated (which is a deep-copy: all its constituents are duplicated as well).

      The dashboard editor uses a small visual cue to let the user understand that there is a group. The right button of the mouse (or similar) can be used to open a contextual menu to ungroup a group.


      • the UI designer is more efficient in handling many small widgets that have been placed in the dashboard.

      Acceptance criteria

      • given a dashboard I can create a group, also recursive one; 
      • I can move the group in other positions in the dashboard;
      • when I ungroup all the groups I get the original components which are in their last position.

      This has been moved to feature https://jira.skatelescope.org/browse/SP-693.



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                g.brajnik Brajnik, Giorgio
                g.brajnik Brajnik, Giorgio
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                  Feature Estimate: 2.0

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                  In Progress   00.0



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