Not Assigned
Obs Mgt & Controls
Low G3
Define the interface from Network Manager to TANGO and build a prototype
The SKANET team has chosen LibreNMS as the Network Manager Solution for monitoring the network devices.. The LibreNMS has an API to access its internal logs and alarms. An interface to this API from TANGO has to be built to be able to download attributes monitored by LibreNMS for display in dashboards in the TMC and possible archival in the EDA.
The specific activities to be undertaken during PI 25 will include:
- Define the interface and message formats for accessing the LibreNMS API.
- Design of the TANGO driver / converter to access the attributes from LibreNMS.
- Build an initial prototype of this interface from TANGO to LibreNMS..
Issue Links
- Child Of
SS-167 Initial integration additional monitoring interfaces added for Low AA1
- Analyzing