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  1. SAFe Program
  2. SP-4703

Mid Remote Power Station (RPS) support - post fibre installation

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      The 21 RPSs are being provided by Ops but are required for the outer 7 dishes on each spiral arm. The plan is that the ++ RPS will be installed and operated by an Independent Power Producer (IPP), so that SKAO only had the cost of electricity. The baseline plan recognised that the RFI of the RPS was a risk, so the first two RPSs (SKA008 and SKA009) would be prototypes that would first have to be tested before rolling out the rest. SKA008 was chosen so that a long Dish baseline could be tested as part of AA2.

      During the refinement work it was realised that meeting the SKAO RFI requirements would be very challenging for the IPP, and that they would add a significant risk premium that would manifest in increased electricity charges for the RPS, for their lifetime. It was thus decided in Sept 2022, that SKAO would take design responsibility for the RPS and prove RFI compliance before handing the design to the IPP to build and operate. The change meant that there would be only one RPS prototype (SKA008), which should be tested, especially with regard to RFI, before contracting the IPP who will then build the remaining 20 RPSs (incl. SKA009).

      The 21 RPSs are being provided by Ops but are required for the outer 7 dishes on each spiral arm. The plan is that the ++ RPS will be installed and operated by an Independent Power Producer (IPP), so that SKAO only had the cost of electricity. The baseline plan recognised that the RFI of the RPS was a risk, so the first two RPSs (SKA008 and SKA009) would be prototypes that would first have to be tested before rolling out the rest. SKA008 was chosen so that a long Dish baseline could be tested as part of AA2. During the refinement work it was realised that meeting the SKAO RFI requirements would be very challenging for the IPP, and that they would add a significant risk premium that would manifest in increased electricity charges for the RPS, for their lifetime. It was thus decided in Sept 2022, that SKAO would take design responsibility for the RPS and prove RFI compliance before handing the design to the IPP to build and operate. The change meant that there would be  only one RPS prototype (SKA008), which should be tested, especially with regard to RFI, before contracting the IPP who will then build the remaining 20 RPSs (incl. SKA009).
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      After fibre installation:

      • NSDN Shelter switch installed
      • RPS switch installed
      • Cutover from temporary FW to fibre and installed switches
      After fibre installation: NSDN Shelter switch installed RPS switch installed Cutover from temporary FW to fibre and installed switches
    • 1
    • 1
    • 0
    • PI24 - UNCOVERED

    • Team_SKANET


      Support required from Services ART (SKANET & ORBIT) to support the Mid Remote Power Station (RPS) MVP/Prototype.

      ECP-220148 - Mid Remote Power Station (RPS) 1st roll-out - Configuration Management - SKAO Community Confluence (skatelescope.org)

      • SKAO Jira (skatelescope.org)



      SP-4442 covers IT team purchase and installation of a FW. After the fibre has been installed, this feature covers SKANET activities to switchover from the FW.


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                Jeremy.Main Main, Jeremy
                N.Quinn Quinn, Neil
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