Not Assigned
Obs Mgt & Controls
Design and initial prototype of the Low Weather Monitoring Station to Tango interface
The eventual outcome required is to be able to connect to the Low Weather Monitoring Station hardware from Tango and download attributes monitored by the weather monitoring station, for display in dashboards in the TMC and archival in the EDA.
The specific activities to be undertaken during PI 25 will include:
- Understand what hardware equipment is planned for the Weather Monitoring stations, by studying any available documentation or in discussions with the Infra Design leads
- Define on the interface protocol for connecting from the Weather monitoring equipment to Tango. This includes selecting any protocol converters or bridging equipment that may be needed, as well as finalising the data interchange formats.
- Build an initial prototype of this interface.
- As it is still TBD whether the hardware for the weather monitoring station will be available to the Agile teams for prototyping in PI25, therefore initially working on the converter with a Simulator for the weather station may be required.
Issue Links
- Child Of
SS-167 Initial integration additional monitoring interfaces added for Low AA1
- Analyzing