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  1. SAFe Program
  2. SP-4569

Implement local DM web service for access to firewalled services

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    • SRCnet
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      Without this service, all local services relating to data management and access (such as SODA) will need to be publicly accessible by the central DM API service. If these are required to be firewalled in some cases, then a local version of the 'DM API' (identified as a compulsory service in the implementation plan) will be required. This must be developed promptly in PI24 so that sites have time to deploy the service on their infrastructure.

      Without this service, all local services relating to data management and access (such as SODA) will need to be publicly accessible by the central DM API service. If these are required to be firewalled in some cases, then a local version of the 'DM API' (identified as a compulsory service in the implementation plan) will be required. This must be developed promptly in PI24 so that sites have time to deploy the service on their infrastructure.
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      AC1: Code for new service developed and committed to new repository in GitLab. This service should be able to proxy data access requests to an internal (possibly firewalled) service, subject to a permissions check.

      AC2: Demo and operator documentation suitable for stakeholders and operations team tasked with deploying at the SRCNet sites.

      AC1: Code for new service developed and committed to new repository in GitLab. This service should be able to proxy data access requests to an internal (possibly firewalled) service, subject to a permissions check. AC2: Demo and operator documentation suitable for stakeholders and operations team tasked with deploying at the SRCNet sites.
    • 1.5
    • 2.5
    • 0
    • Team_MAGENTA
    • Sprint 3
    • PI24 - UNCOVERED

    • PI24-PB SRCNet0.1
    • SPO-3479


      Implement a service that can proxy requests to an e.g. firewalled SODA/visualisation service following permission checks.

      A centralised DM API may be unable to provide all the functionality provided by SRCNet. If resources requested from the DM API are not publicly available, a local (proxy) service sitting on the appropriate network will be needed. This implies a new web service for local installation at the SRCNet sites.


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                r.bolton Bolton, Rosie
                j.collinson Collinson, James
                0 Vote for this issue
                1 Start watching this issue

                Feature Progress

                  Story Point Burn-up: (0%)

                  Feature Estimate: 1.5

                  IssuesStory Points
                  To Do49.0
                  In Progress   11.0



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