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  1. SAFe Program
  2. SP-4271

Investigate RSE use in Canadian context

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    • SRCnet
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      BH: Given the DDM Assessment results, the Canadian path forward for SRCNet v0.1 participation is currently unclear with respect to archive storage. This work will investigate how to integrate CADC's operational archive storage system with SRCNet's DDM solution, and will set the direction for any development efforts required. 

      BH: Given the DDM Assessment results, the Canadian path forward for SRCNet v0.1 participation is currently unclear with respect to archive storage. This work will investigate how to integrate CADC's operational archive storage system with SRCNet's DDM solution, and will set the direction for any development efforts required. 
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      AC: Document the use cases for the Canadian RSE.

      AC: Document the investigation into the difficulties involved with scaling POSIX-mounted RSE storage in user sessions. This investigation will be sufficient to identify Features required to provide the scaling sufficient for SRCNet v0.1 (TBC).

      AC: Document the investigation into how to link, while ensuring access control on POSIX-mounted RSE storage. This investigation will be sufficient to identify Features required to provide the identified functionality. 

      AC: Document the use cases for the Canadian RSE. AC: Document the investigation into the difficulties involved with scaling POSIX-mounted RSE storage in user sessions. This investigation will be sufficient to identify Features required to provide the scaling sufficient for SRCNet v0.1 (TBC). AC: Document the investigation into how to link, while ensuring access control on POSIX-mounted RSE storage. This investigation will be sufficient to identify Features required to provide the identified functionality. 
    • 0.5
    • 0.5
    • 0
    • Team_RED
    • Sprint 5
    • Data_Management SRC23-PB SRCNet0.1 data-ingestion-dissemination-and-replication data-lifecycle


      This Spike is to explore ways to provide CANFAR with data from the SRCNet data lake. The goal is to get something working, and to understand:

      • How the Canadian RSE will be used
      • whether POSIX-mounted RSE storage in user sessions will scale
      • how to link and ensure access control on POSIX-mounted RSE storage
      • is there a need for a site-specific configuration to allow a mountable file system to be made visible to a CANFAR deployment?

      Use Case: Transfer WALLABY visibilities from AusSRC to Canadian RSE for processing into images on CANFAR.

      Caution: Allowing users access to archive storage will overload archive storage access.


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                R.Barnsley Barnsley, Rob
                s.goliath sharon goliath
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                  Story Point Burn-up: (0%)

                  Feature Estimate: 0.5

                  IssuesStory Points
                  To Do20.0
                  In Progress   12.0



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