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  1. SAFe Program
  2. SP-4229

Establish a simulated-test-data generation pipeline for v0.1 (using Karabo)

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    • SRCnet
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      Test data is required for v0.1 resembling SKAO data. Synthetically generating this data on demand, will mean sites don't have to store large volumes of data. Increased know-how of simulated data generation will offer a way to exercise compute and storage at a v0.1 site. 

      Karabo has not yet been tested on generating large simulated datasets even though it is capable of doing so. This feature will help find any hiccups in this process, socialise the repo and increase know-how on how to run the pipeline thus allowing for v0.1 suitable data to be generated by a larger group of people in the ART.

      Test data is required for v0.1 resembling SKAO data. Synthetically generating this data on demand, will mean sites don't have to store large volumes of data. Increased know-how of simulated data generation will offer a way to exercise compute and storage at a v0.1 site.  Karabo has not yet been tested on generating large simulated datasets even though it is capable of doing so. This feature will help find any hiccups in this process, socialise the repo and increase know-how on how to run the pipeline thus allowing for v0.1 suitable data to be generated by a larger group of people in the ART.
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      AC1: Test data generation pipeline knowledge documented - so that v0.1 sites can generate data later

      AC2: Test data generated by at least two sites

      AC3: Demo of test data generation

      Stretch: register test data to rucio


      AC1: Test data generation pipeline knowledge documented - so that v0.1 sites can generate data later AC2: Test data generated by at least two sites AC3: Demo of test data generation Stretch: register test data to rucio  
    • 1.5
    • 2
    • 0
    • Team_CHOCOLATE
    • PI23 - UNCOVERED

    • PI23 SRC23-PB SRCNet0.1 Team_Chocolate tests-compilation


      Simulated test data can be generated using SKA telescope config using the Karabo pipeline. It makes use of OSKAR and RASCIL packages underneath. Example notebook here shows generating visibilities from sources in the GLEAM survey with ASKAP config, and making dirty images of the same. More documentation here: https://i4ds.github.io/Karabo-Pipeline/examples/examples.html.


      Need input on what data sizes would be most useful for v0.1. Conversation about resources/where we run it based on this.


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                r.bolton Bolton, Rosie
                r.joshi Joshi, Rohini
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                2 Start watching this issue

                Feature Progress

                  Story Point Burn-up: (15.38%)

                  Feature Estimate: 1.5

                  IssuesStory Points
                  To Do611.0
                  In Progress   00.0



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