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  1. SAFe Program
  2. SP-4132

Identify test data collections for v0.1

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    • SRCnet
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      For SRCNet0.1 we need to identify scientifically and technically-motivated data sets that can help us test the 0.1 system. We already have a wealth of possible data sets identified as part of the mini-SRCNet demonstrator, within the current Rucio instance, and relating to the existing example workflows. Let's make a sized plan for data that we'd like to ingest into the DDM system of the SRCNet0.1 sites

      BH: By identifying of data to be ingested into v0.1 and ingestion, we could allow a good testing/benchmarking of the SRCNet components for analysis, scalability and computing/pipelines integration.

      For SRCNet0.1 we need to identify scientifically and technically-motivated data sets that can help us test the 0.1 system. We already have a wealth of possible data sets identified as part of the mini-SRCNet demonstrator, within the current Rucio instance, and relating to the existing example workflows. Let's make a sized plan for data that we'd like to ingest into the DDM system of the SRCNet0.1 sites BH: By identifying of data to be ingested into v0.1 and ingestion, we could allow a good testing/benchmarking of the SRCNet components for analysis, scalability and computing/pipelines integration.
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      AC: List (on confluence) of data available now and in the following months, including input data location, description, contact points (who), scale (volume), etc

      AC: List (on confluence) of data available now and in the following months, including input data location, description, contact points (who), scale (volume), etc
    • 0.5
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    • Team_MAGENTA
    • Sprint 5
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      Initial data sets identified at: https://confluence.skatelescope.org/display/SRCSC/SP-4132+Identify+test+data+collections+for+SRCNet+0.1  
    • 22.6
    • Stories Completed, Satisfies Acceptance Criteria, Accepted by FO
    • PI23 - UNCOVERED

    • data-ingestion-dissemination-and-replication tests-compilation


      Discussion on possible data that could be ingested/registered for v0.1. That could include:

      • Precursors data: Ingesting precursor data enables the validation and refinement of data processing pipelines, ensuring their readiness for handling real SKA data and the execution of complete science use cases
      • SKA test data: Synthetic datasets generated by SDP (Science Data Processor) pipelines, mirroring the scale and format expected from real SKA observations. By simulating SKA data, the network can assess the efficacy of data management protocols and software solutions under conditions close to actual operations
      • Simulations data: These data facilitate the evaluation of computational models, calibration techniques, and data analysis workflows within the SRCNet infrastructure
      • Science Data challenges data or similar data: Data already analysed in a locally controlled scenario using scientific workflows will provide information on the overhead provided by the SRCNet distributed data and resources

      For each data type, the following aspects need to be documented:

      • Availability: Source or generation mechanism of the data.
      • Contact Point: Responsible individual or entity for data inquiries and coordination.
      • Size/Type: Magnitude and format specifications of the dataset.
      • Science Use Cases/Software: Specific scientific objectives and requisite software tools for analysis.

      These test datasets will be instrumental in evaluating the robustness, scalability, and performance of the SRCNet infrastructure across various operational scenarios, including data management, scalability, stress tests, and more.

      See https://docs.google.com/document/d/1PZ4Il_RgIs2rtR0XawoAa0Q3FXycI4-4yhmjbbrDzLw/ for further details



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                r.bolton Bolton, Rosie
                Jesus.Salgado Salgado, Jesus
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