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  1. SAFe Program
  2. SP-3833

Deploy Alarm Handler and Viewer in ITF

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    • Obs Mgt & Controls
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      • Begins to derisks the selected Alarm handling & viewing technologies by providing them to AIV engineers.
      • Provides the first examples of complex* Alarm 'rules' using the Alarm Handler & Viewer
      • Demonstrates the use of a set of alarm conditions to allow AIV to meet their Alarm Handling needs in PI21 onwards
      Begins to derisks the selected Alarm handling & viewing technologies by providing them to AIV engineers. Provides the first examples of complex* Alarm 'rules' using the Alarm Handler & Viewer Demonstrates the use of a set of alarm conditions to allow AIV to meet their Alarm Handling needs in PI21 onwards
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      • Tango Alarm thresholds set for an example set of conditions from within the TMC subsystem
      • Documentation on how to define and configure an TMC Tango Alarm is created and stored in Solution Intent.
      • A 'complex' Alarm rule is defined in the Elettra Alarm handler
      • Documentation on how to define and configure a complex alarm rule is created and stored in Solution Intent.
      • Alarm Handler is deployed and verified through testing at the <TBD> ITF
      • Alarm Viewer is deployed and verified though testing at the <TBD> ITF
      • A solution to install and access the Alarm Viewer remotely is agreed between TMC, AIV and Services
        • Run the Elettra GUI as a Linux executable on an existing Windows terminal server (If it turns out that running the program as a native Linux application is not possible go for option 2):
        • Recompile it as a Windows program from source code, deploy on an existing Windows terminal server in MID-ITF


      Tango Alarm thresholds set for an example set of conditions from within the TMC subsystem Documentation on how to define and configure an TMC Tango Alarm is created and stored in Solution Intent. A 'complex' Alarm rule is defined in the Elettra Alarm handler Documentation on how to define and configure a complex alarm rule is created and stored in Solution Intent. Alarm Handler is deployed and verified through testing at the <TBD> ITF Alarm Viewer is deployed and verified though testing at the <TBD> ITF A solution to install and access the Alarm Viewer remotely is agreed between TMC, AIV and Services Run the Elettra GUI as a Linux executable on an existing Windows terminal server (If it turns out that running the program as a native Linux application is not possible go for option 2): Recompile it as a Windows program from source code, deploy on an existing Windows terminal server in MID-ITF  
    • 5
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    • Team_SAHYADRI
    • Sprint 5
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      Work on ska-tango-alarmhandler repository
      1. Modified the alarm configurator to handle complex alarm rules
      2. Improved the configurator UI as per the Team ATLAS suggestions


      Work on mid ITF repository
      1. Integrated the alarm handler with configurator tool in mid ITF
      2. BDD tests developed to verify the alarm functionality in mid ITF

      Improved Alarm User Guide documentation with steps to configure alarms using alarm-configurator tool

      The alarm handler and configurator was demonstrated in System Demo 21.5 and PI demo.

      Work on ska-tango-alarmhandler repository 1. Modified the alarm configurator to handle complex alarm rules 2. Improved the configurator UI as per the Team ATLAS suggestions https://gitlab.com/ska-telescope/ska-tango-alarmhandler/-/merge_requests/16 https://gitlab.com/ska-telescope/ska-tango-alarmhandler/-/merge_requests/17 Work on mid ITF repository 1. Integrated the alarm handler with configurator tool in mid ITF https://gitlab.com/ska-telescope/ska-mid-itf/-/merge_requests/205 2. BDD tests developed to verify the alarm functionality in mid ITF https://jira.skatelescope.org/browse/XTP-30175 https://jira.skatelescope.org/browse/XTP-30174 https://jira.skatelescope.org/browse/XTP-30405 https://jira.skatelescope.org/browse/XTP-30236 Improved Alarm User Guide documentation with steps to configure alarms using alarm-configurator tool https://confluence.skatelescope.org/display/UD/Alarm+Handler+User+Guide The alarm handler and configurator was demonstrated in System Demo 21.5 and PI demo.
    • 21.6
    • Stories Completed, Integrated, Solution Intent Updated, BDD Testing Passes (no errors), Outcomes Reviewed, NFRS met, Demonstrated, Satisfies Acceptance Criteria, Accepted by FO
    • PI23 - UNCOVERED

    • AlarmHandler Alarms Team_SAHYADRI
    • Low G3


      Alarm handler deployment: The Elettra Alarm Handler was selected as the Alarm Handling technology as per ADR-68. It was deployed and tested in PI17, in a proof of concept manner. The need for Alarm handling is growing within the system. This feature aims to deploy the Alarm Handler at <TBD> ITF alongside the Alarm Viewer for use by AIV engineers.

      To allow testing and familiarisation by the AIV teams, this feature also covers the provision of some Tango level Alarms from the TMC subsystem and potentially a second subsystem. This will allow the generation of complex rules using the Alarm handler.  

      Viewer: (Originally part of SP-3685)The Alarm-ng, Elettra's GUI alarm viewer, is selected as the tool for viewing the alarms. Currently, the alarm handler solution implemented in PI 17 does not include Alarm-ng component. So, the tool needs to be packaged with the existing alarm handler and delivered via the alarm handler helm chart.

      The Alarm-ng is a desktop-based GUI tool and its deployment in a cloud environment needs special arrangement of access.

      Dec-7 Update (PI-21):

      As VNC access is not permitted in the ITF, an alternative mechanism for remotely accessing the Alarm Viewer is agreed between TMC, AIV and Services. Slack reference here:

      • Run the Elettra GUI as a Linux executable on an existing Windows terminal server (If it turns out that running the program as a native Linux application is not possible go for option 2):
      • Recompile it as a Windows program from source code, deploy on an existing Windows terminal server in MID-ITF. This will be worked out by Thomas.Juerges and T.Ives 

      Documentation: To provide a complete workable Alarm handler a set of User Documentation covering Tango Alarm configuration, Deployment of the Alarm Handler and Viewer and generating 'complex' rules within the Alarm Handler is to be provided.

      *NOTE: The use of the word 'complex' is intended to mean an Alarm rule created within the Alarm Handler which uses >1 condition to trigger the alarm. 'Complex' may be misleading, as a rule like "if condition-x and condition-y are met raise alarm"


      Older Discussion (for reference):

      As per ADR-68, the preferred way of accessing the tool is using VNC technology. Thus it is necessary to set up the deployment configuration that allows remote access via VNC client, preferably from a web browser.

      Update on Sep 7

      Based on the slack conversation here VNC cannot be supported in STFC. Thus after discussion between the development team, feature owner and architect it is decided that for the GUI work, deployment of Elettra GUI in STFC cluster is not needed. The demo can be dome from developer's machine. Since VNC access is enabled from mid ITF, it is desired that alarm handler deployment is done and demonstrated from itf. It can be an uncommitted work. This needs to be informed to Atlas/Viola team.



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                Thomas.Juerges Juerges, Thomas
                Adam.Avison Avison, Adam
                0 Vote for this issue
                1 Start watching this issue

                Feature Progress

                  Story Point Burn-up: (100.00%)

                  Feature Estimate: 5.0

                  IssuesStory Points
                  To Do00.0
                  In Progress   00.0



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