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  1. SAFe Program
  2. SP-3685

Alarm Handler: Provide remote access to the Elettra GUIs (IEC alarms, etc)

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      The enabler will allow viewing and managing the alarms in the system and manage them remotely using GUI.

      The enabler will allow viewing and managing the alarms in the system and manage them remotely using GUI.
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      • The Alarm-ng is successfully integrated with the SKA alarm handler
      • The chart/configuration is updated to allow remote GUI access
      • A new version of the Alarm handler solution is available on CAR
      • The solution is integrated in ska-tmc-integration and the functionality is demonstrated using a set of alarm rules configured on TMC device.
      The Alarm-ng is successfully integrated with the SKA alarm handler The chart/configuration is updated to allow remote GUI access A new version of the Alarm handler solution is available on CAR The solution is integrated in ska-tmc-integration and the functionality is demonstrated using a set of alarm rules configured on TMC device.
    • 2
    • 2
    • 0
    • 20.5
    • PI23 - UNCOVERED

    • AlarmHandler Alarms Team_HIMALAYA Team_SAHYADRI


      PI21: Discarded as it now forms part of SP-3833


      As per the decision of ADR-68, the Alarm-ng, Elettra's GUI alarm viewer, is selected as the tool for viewing the alarms. Currently, the alarm handler solution implemented in PI 17 does not include Alarm-ng component. So, the tool needs to be packaged with the existing alarm handler and delivered via the alarm handler helm chart.

      The Alarm-ng is a desktop-based GUI tool and its deployment in a cloud environment needs special arrangement of access. As per ADR-68, the preferred way of accessing the tool is using VNC technology. Thus it is necessary to set up the deployment configuration that allows remote access via VNC client, preferably from a web browser.

      Update on Sep 7

      Based on the slack conversation here VNC cannot be supported in STFC. Thus after discussion between the development team, feature owner and architect it is decided that for the GUI work, deployment of Elettra GUI in STFC cluster is not needed. The demo can be dome from developer's machine. Since VNC access is enabled from mid ITF, it is desired that alarm handler deployment is done and demonstrated from itf. It can be an uncommitted work. This needs to be informed to Atlas/Viola team.


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                Thomas.Juerges Juerges, Thomas
                Adam.Avison Avison, Adam
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                  Feature Estimate: 2.0

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                  In Progress   00.0



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