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  1. SAFe Program
  2. SP-3731

Extend Science gateway functionality to request data staging via the SRCNet Data Management API

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    • SRCnet
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      When a user has discovered a data set they would like to use for their analysis, it could be that (part of) this data set is stored on cold storage, or that not all data products in the data set are not stored at the same location as the processing system they want to work on. This requires the science gateway to have functionality to initiate the replication of a data product to the storage that can be directly accessed from the processing system.


      The actual execution of the replication is out of scope of this feature and is the task of the Data Management System.

      When a user has discovered a data set they would like to use for their analysis, it could be that (part of) this data set is stored on cold storage, or that not all data products in the data set are not stored at the same location as the processing system they want to work on. This requires the science gateway to have functionality to initiate the replication of a data product to the storage that can be directly accessed from the processing system.   The actual execution of the replication is out of scope of this feature and is the task of the Data Management System.
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      AC1: The science gateway has functionality enabling a user to define a data collection
      AC2: This data collection can be submitted to the DM API to create a Rucio DID of that data collection
      AC3: The user can request replication of that data collection via the DM API
      AC4: The resulting functionality is documented and demonstrated to the ART
      AC5: The user can only invoke the DM Service in compliance with DM policies

      AC1: The science gateway has functionality enabling a user to define a data collection AC2: This data collection can be submitted to the DM API to create a Rucio DID of that data collection AC3: The user can request replication of that data collection via the DM API AC4: The resulting functionality is documented and demonstrated to the ART AC5: The user can only invoke the DM Service in compliance with DM policies
    • 2
    • 2
    • 0
    • PI23 - UNCOVERED

    • SRCNet0.1 science-gateway


      Tasks could include (sequence likely important):

      • Utilise Auth API client to request a token exchange for Site Capabilities API
      • Utilise Site Capabilities API to pull information about destination RSE (i.e. UUID)
      • Utilise Auth API client to request a token exchange for Data Management API 
      • Utilise DM API client to issue staging requests


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                r.bolton Bolton, Rosie
                j.collinson Collinson, James
                0 Vote for this issue
                4 Start watching this issue

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                  Feature Estimate: 2.0

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                  To Do00.0
                  In Progress   00.0



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