Not Assigned
National SRC
The UKSRC build and configure xrootd with security & tokens at Cambridge HPC, GEANT and JBO; it will then measure performance in transferring data between sites.
Xrootd servers are used in the WLCG community but at lower site to site round trip latencies, lower connection speeds (~25Gb) and with potentially different file size distributions than currently proposed for SRCnet. So there is technical learning in these areas for SRCnet and xrootd communities as well as the token based authentication. The results from this work will feed into the SRCnet NREN forum architecture.
xrootd is a distributed, scalable, high-performance, and low-latency software framework that provides seamless access to data through various means, including local file systems, the World Wide Web, and cloud-based storage.
Security is required so that data transfers can be authenticated, authorised, and encrypted, maintaining the confidentiality and integrity of the data being transferred.
Tokens is currently the accepted tooling for authorising transfers (VOMS is generally being deprecated).
FTS is a service that manages and tracks large-scale data transfers across grid computing environments. FTS is a potential solution to the orchestration of managing the transfer of data, and needs to interact with configured SEs.
Rucio enables the cataloguing of data, and provides the tooling for managing the data over its lifecycle, creating virtual Rucio Storage Endpoints (RSEs) for each of the associated SEs.
Issue Links
- depends on
SP-3775 Complete finalisation and testing of SRCNet FTS instance
- Done
SP-3502 Finalise and test deployment of SRCNet FTS instance
- Discarded
- relates to
SP-4591 Switch Rucio server to SRC IAM for auth provision
- Releasing
SP-2832 Integrate Rucio with SRC IAM for auth provision
- Done
- mentioned in
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