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Stories Completed, Integrated, Outcomes Reviewed, Accepted by FO
PI19-PB SRC-MiniNode Team_RED
The CANFAR Science Platform is a simple but powerful set of web services that allow users, through their browser, to spawn and then interact with analysis tools that execute close to large data sets. The user analysis tools are software containers, often created by users, that are made available, through container image registries, to the science platform. Examples of such software containers are JupyterLab and the Cube Analysis and Rendering Tool for Astronomy (CARTA), though there are no limits to the scope what comprises a container.
The CANFAR Science Platform runs and executes user containers on kubernetes, and thus can be made to scale very easily. Though it has been demonstrated that the CANFAR Science Platform can be deployed on other kubernetes instances (such as Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE) in 2020), it was overly complicated and arduous, and required the special knowledge of the CANFAR development team. These difficulties were largely due to assumptions in the services about the nature and details of dependent services and infrastructure. This feature addresses those assumptions and removes the technical barriers of installing CANFAR on an arbitrary kubernetes.
Git repository here: