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  1. SAFe Program
  2. SP-3543

Explore S3-S3 Rucio transfers via streaming transfers through FTS

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    • Feature
    • Could have
    • PI20
    • None
    • SRCnet
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      Exploring Rucio support for S3 storage has been ongoing over the last several PIs and we have a (Swiss) S3 endpoint added to the datalake that supports uploads. However, until we look at how data transfers can be done in/out of this endpoint, it will remain a bit of an island. Since there is additional knowledge and documentation since deploying the Swiss S3 endpoint, this feature will entail another S3 endpoint and explore s3-s3 streamed transfers to/from the existing S3 endpoint and a newly added one.

      Exploring Rucio support for S3 storage has been ongoing over the last several PIs and we have a (Swiss) S3 endpoint added to the datalake that supports uploads. However, until we look at how data transfers can be done in/out of this endpoint, it will remain a bit of an island. Since there is additional knowledge and documentation since deploying the Swiss S3 endpoint, this feature will entail another S3 endpoint and explore s3-s3 streamed transfers to/from the existing S3 endpoint and a newly added one.
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      Demonstrate S3-S3 streaming transfers within FTS/Rucio OR document outlining hurdles in doing the same, and if applicable development work needed in the software stack involved (gfal, Rucio, FTS, etc) is identified.

      Demonstrate S3-S3 streaming transfers within FTS/Rucio OR document outlining hurdles in doing the same, and if applicable development work needed in the software stack involved (gfal, Rucio, FTS, etc) is identified.
    • Overdue
    • PI23 - UNCOVERED

    • PI19-PB PI20-PB


      Add another S3 endpoint to Rucio datalake, to enable exploring S3-S3 transfers. 

      Probably easier when we have our own SRCNet FTS to limit async communication

      Document outcomes/hurdles.

      Have been informed by FTS Project lead that this is possible only by streaming the transfer via FTS, and not TPC. 


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                r.bolton Bolton, Rosie
                r.joshi Joshi, Rohini
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