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  1. SAFe Program
  2. SP-3432

Develop Dish Structure Qualification software - basic functionality

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      Spike to provide proof of concept for Dish Structure qualification software

      Spike to provide proof of concept for Dish Structure qualification software
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      Prrof of concept for Dish Structure Qualification Software is in a SKAO Gitlab repository.

      The following functionality of the proof of concept Dish Structure Qualification Software, integrated with Dish Structure Simulator, is demonstrated to Dish Structure team:

      • Connect to the Dish Structure Controller's OPC UA server as a client.
      • Control the movement of the individual axes by sending commands to the Dish Structure Controller.
      • View the status feedback received from Dish Structure Controller.
      • Load a track table and send it to Dish Structure Controller.
      • Verify the track table sent to the Dish Structure Controller.
      Prrof of concept for Dish Structure Qualification Software is in a SKAO Gitlab repository. The following functionality of the proof of concept Dish Structure Qualification Software, integrated with Dish Structure Simulator, is demonstrated to Dish Structure team: Connect to the Dish Structure Controller's OPC UA server as a client. Control the movement of the individual axes by sending commands to the Dish Structure Controller. View the status feedback received from Dish Structure Controller. Load a track table and send it to Dish Structure Controller. Verify the track table sent to the Dish Structure Controller.
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    • Team_WOMBAT
    • Sprint 2
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      Defined requirements and initial design of solution for controlling the Dish structure using scripts and GUI.

      Defined requirements and initial design of solution for controlling the Dish structure using scripts and GUI.
    • 19.6
    • Outcomes Reviewed
    • Team_WOMBAT
    • OMC-G4


      The Dish Structure Team needs software to support qualification tests of Dish Structure.

      The software will run test scripts; send commands to the Dish Structure Controlle r; receive, display and store variables received from Dish Structure Controller.

      With this Spike the first functionality of the Dish Structure Qualification Software is developed as a proof of concept. It will allow the user to:

      • Control the movement of the individual axes by sending commands to the Dish Structure Controller's OPC UA server.
      • View the status feedback received from Dish Structure Controller.
      • Load a track table and send it to Dish Structure Controller.
      • Verify the track table sent to the Dish Structure Controller.
      • It would be desirable if the proof of concept software could run in a Jupyter Notebook/JupyTango Notebook.

      Draft requirements generated by Dish Structure Team can be found in Dish Structure Qualification Software Requirements.

      The proof of concept will re-use existing code from ASTRON's LOFAR2.0 software that provides an OPC UA server attribute to Tango Controls device attribute mapper. In the LOFAR2.0 code the well supported OPC UA Python3 module opcua-asyncio is used.

      The outcome of this spike will inform SP-3434 and potentially other features.


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                h.niehaus Henk Niehaus
                p.swart Swart, Paul [X] (Inactive)
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                  Feature Estimate: 2.0

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                  To Do00.0
                  In Progress   00.0



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