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  1. SAFe Program
  2. SP-3244

Enhance the MID Imaging Observation Notebook to allow multiple imaging scans and improve usage

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      Allows for a user to conduct multiple imaging scans for the first time.

      Incorporates improvements needed following feedback after several public demos.

      Allows for a user to conduct multiple imaging scans for the first time. Incorporates improvements needed following feedback after several public demos.
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      • Existing MID notebook (SP-3002) is expanded to allow the ability to conduct multiple scans, which follow the typical Interferometric imaging observing sequence of:
        • Bandpass Calibrator
        • Flux Density Calibrator
        • (Phase Calibrator - Target Source) looped and ending on the Phase calibrator. (Adam will provide more context as needed).
      • Revise the 'Useful Links' section (possibly rename this section) at the start of the Notebook to include:
        • A direct link to a 'running instance' of the MID Taranta Dashboard.
        • Links to all available sub-system Taranta Dashboards.
        • Archived attribute values stored in the EDA can be accessed through the Archiveviewer GUI which runs as part of the deployment*. 
        • Links to  updated SDP 'signals displays' as per SP-2981 showing at least, signal displays for Amplitude vs Freq (auto correlation) and Amplitude and Phase vs Frequency (cross-correlation)
      • Existing BDD tests continue to pass and new BDD tests are created to cover multiple scans.
      • Documentation is created/updated to for the use of an AIV engineer in interpreting the Notebook and stored in the Documentation Repository on confluence.
      • Include in the notebook the steps to create and up date an EB, (an outcome of feature SP-3163).
      • Team spends time playing with Notebook, seeking and logging issues and improvements, resolving if practical.
      Existing MID notebook ( SP-3002 ) is expanded to allow the ability to conduct multiple scans, which follow the typical Interferometric imaging observing sequence of: Bandpass Calibrator Flux Density Calibrator (Phase Calibrator - Target Source) looped and ending on the Phase calibrator. (Adam will provide more context as needed). Revise the 'Useful Links' section (possibly rename this section) at the start of the Notebook to include: A direct link to a 'running instance' of the MID Taranta Dashboard. Links to all available sub-system Taranta Dashboards. Archived attribute values stored in the EDA can be accessed through the Archiveviewer GUI which runs as part of the deployment*.  Links to  updated SDP 'signals displays' as per SP-2981 showing at least, signal displays for Amplitude vs Freq (auto correlation) and Amplitude and Phase vs Frequency (cross-correlation) Existing BDD tests continue to pass and new BDD tests are created to cover multiple scans. Documentation is created/updated to for the use of an AIV engineer in interpreting the Notebook and stored in the Documentation Repository on confluence. Include in the notebook the steps to create and up date an EB, (an outcome of feature  SP-3163 ). Team spends time playing with Notebook, seeking and logging issues and improvements, resolving if practical.
    • 2
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    • Team_NAKSHATRA
    • Sprint 5
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      1. New version of 'ska-jupyter-scripting' i.e. ska-jupyter-scripting:1.1.0 library which support multiple scan functionality is available in car repo.
      2. Updated document can be found on below link:


      New version of 'ska-jupyter-scripting' i.e. ska-jupyter-scripting:1.1.0 library which support multiple scan functionality is available in car repo. Updated document can be found on below link: https://confluence.skatelescope.org/display/TS/PI16+MID+Imaging+Scenario+Walkthrough+Jupyter+Notebook
    • 18.5
    • Stories Completed, Integrated, Solution Intent Updated, Outcomes Reviewed, Demonstrated, Satisfies Acceptance Criteria, Accepted by FO
    • PI24 - NOTRUN

    • SOL-G4


      Taking the work conducted to create a walkthrough of the MID AA0.5 Imaging Scenario in PI16 & PI17 (SP-2617 and SP-3002) this feature aims to extend the capabilities in this Notebook to allow users to preform multiple scans (as opposed to single scans).

      When the feature is completed, as a user of the Notebook I would like to be able to:

      1. Open within a number of browser windows the Taranta Dashboards for the TMC MID, and other subsystems in the Monitor, Control and Signal Chain (as available).
      2. Navigate to EDA Archiveviewer GUI (see ACs)
      3. Open within a browser window the SDP signals display showing plots as listed in the ACs.
      4. Execute an full imaging observation sequence following the target list specific in the ACs.
      5. Access and read a User Guide for the Notebook.

      As a Codeowner I would like to see a set of passing tests covering the execution of a multiscan imaging scenario.

       *(Extraction of the data from Python is also possible as long as the necessary Python module is installed on the client's side. TBD during PI planning)


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                Adam.Avison Avison, Adam
                Adam.Avison Avison, Adam
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                Feature Progress

                  Story Point Burn-up: (100.00%)

                  Feature Estimate: 2.0

                  IssuesStory Points
                  To Do00.0
                  In Progress   00.0



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