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  1. SAFe Program
  2. SP-305

Webjive has several useful widgets and plots, along with a roadmap

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      With new widgets, plots and images UI designers can develop realistic UIs that might be sufficient to meet the needs of UI users. Images and conditional configuration will allow UIs that are more "dynamic", visually appealing and effective.

      We have an incrementally developed roadmap that can be shown/shared at any sprint end.

      Benefits With new widgets, plots and images UI designers can develop realistic UIs that might be sufficient to meet the needs of UI users. Images and conditional configuration will allow UIs that are more "dynamic", visually appealing and effective. We have an incrementally developed roadmap that can be shown/shared at any sprint end.
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    • Sprint 5
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      A presentation (see link below) has been created to show the feature owner how the work carried out in PI#3 meets the acceptance criteria as given in SP305.

      Note: This presentation focuses on highlighting sections of the document, SKA-TEL-SW-0000002-C_WebJiveRoadmapDocument, which related to the acceptance criteria for this story.

      Screencasts (with commentary) have been prepared to demonstrate to the feature owner the use of the newly created Webjive widgets resulting from the work done in PI#3. These screencasts can be found via the links below:

      A live demonstration of the new Webjive widgets can be made to the Feature Owner if so desired.

      A presentation (see link below) has been created to show the feature owner how the work carried out in PI#3 meets the acceptance criteria as given in SP305. https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1xYo4JEXdDvTloMzBjBimx-tQft7slsv5_hDmYbilPJY/edit#slide=id.g5f29113cae_0_0 Note: This presentation focuses on highlighting sections of the document, SKA-TEL-SW-0000002-C_WebJiveRoadmapDocument, which related to the acceptance criteria for this story. https://drive.google.com/open?id=17nAIOj5wlV5A1AhU8kEoZwIfycPwfN-U Screencasts (with commentary) have been prepared to demonstrate to the feature owner the use of the newly created Webjive widgets resulting from the work done in PI#3. These screencasts can be found via the links below: https://drive.google.com/open?id=13y9frh0V3zkndgps1FYCtkHnAfNu5Lnb https://drive.google.com/open?id=1XvrUaWH7TH5P6IEN9jBm0-NAiBPd4EEr A live demonstration of the new Webjive widgets can be made to the Feature Owner if so desired.
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    • Team_BUTTONS webjive



      This feature replaces 280, 281, 284.

      It is also quite articulated, on purpose, in order to start practicing UX in agile terms. Giorgio will help splitting this feature and organising the work during sprints.

      It has 2 outputs, both produced incrementally sprint by sprint:

      • potentially shippable Webjive increments, as usual
      • a google document describing the Webjive roadmap

      In the following I will refer to these roles with respect to Webjive:

      • UI designer, this is the individual who uses Webjive to develop a specific UI to be connected to some Tango devices. This person can also be the UI user, but these two roles are conceptually different.
      • UI user,  this is the individual who is going to use the UI constructed through Webjive; s/he will be an engineer or a commissioner.


      A UI designer can add/change/remove any basic plot from the dashboards of the UI that is working on.

      Plots MIGHT include bar plots, histograms, pie charts, scatter plots, time series, spectrograms, dials, and others.

      The UI designer can edit SOME of the properties of each plot, such as font, color, size, labels for axes and for points, ticks for axes, symbols to be plotted, variants such as stacked bars, scales for axes, data sources, units, precision of data.


      A UI designer can add/change/remove any basic widget from the dashboards of the UI that is working on.

      Basic widgets MIGHT include combobox, button, link, icon, label, text field, formatted text viewer, formatted text editor, radio button, checkbox, slider, pull-down menu.

      Images and colors:

      A UI designer can add/change/remove icons (any of GIFs, PNGs or other might be ok) from the dashboards of the UI that is working on, and configure them so that they appear conditionally, depending on states or attribute values of Tango devices.

      A UI designer can configure SOME widgets so that their foreground/background colors can change depending on states or attribute values of Tango devices.

      The UI designer and the UI users can view a trace log of the interactions between Webjive and the underlying Tango devices. This is a built-in widget to display the trace data; it is a widget that represents a "console" that can be placed and sized in any region of a screen, just like any other widget.

      Roadmap document

      A live document is needed to allow Giorgio and Nick to present to other organizations (such as MaxIV and Tango Collaboration) what are the intentions of SKA regarding Webjive, on a rolling horizon of 6-12 months.

      This document is to be producted incrementally, based on the findings discovered during individual sprints. Giorgio and Valentina will lead this activity and will be among the editors of this document.

      Scope to consider for this feature

      We don't expect that every widget and plot will be implemented in this feature. However we do expect that the "console", that what is described under "images and colors" and that a handful of other widgets/plots ARE delivered. These are all the widgets that are used in the TMC prototype (as of 31 May), and a few other ones suggested in the roadmap document.

      Note on how to carry out analysis

      Analysis of user needs should be carried out as timeboxed spikes of 2 individuals that interview for 1h or less 1-2 prospective users (i.e. members of other SKA teams), collect examples and opinions, organize them, and revise the roadmap document. We expect this to happen 1-2 times during each sprint so that a relatively large number of potential users are interviewed.

      Giorgio or Valentina will be one of the interviewers in each interview.

      Acceptance criteria

      • increments of the roadmap should be cohesive chunks of examples of widgets/plots that are suggested along with text describing how the team discovered that some users might find those things useful.
      • each section of the roadmap should enable the reader to understand what new enhancements we are thinking for Webjive, and why we believe it is important to implement them ASAP.
      • the roadmap should be based on findings coming from selected SKA teams (i.e. NCRA and CIPA) that develop tango devices. It could include other information that Giorgio will provide (eg. possible similar analysis performed in MaxIV).
      • each new widget/plot implemented in increments should be used in 1 or more demos that are informally organized by the team with potential users of those UIs. User feedback should be collected, possibly acted on by changing things in Webjive, and documented in the roadmap.


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                g.brajnik Brajnik, Giorgio
                g.brajnik Brajnik, Giorgio
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                  Feature Estimate: 4.0

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                  To Do00.0
                  In Progress   00.0



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