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  1. SAFe Program
  2. SP-2979

Query user interface for EBs and SBDs

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    • Obs Mgt & Controls
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      Once an SB has been observed, or observing has taken place outside the scope of an SB, it will be essential for users to be able to interrogate the ODA via a (web-based) GUI to find the EBs, SBIs and SBDs that were involved in taking data, to establish the provenance of these data. This will be important in the early AAs, and will also form some foundation for a tool planned in the final system (Project Tracking).

      Once an SB has been observed, or observing has taken place outside the scope of an SB, it will be essential for users to be able to interrogate the ODA via a (web-based) GUI to find the EBs, SBIs and SBDs that were involved in taking data, to establish the provenance of these data. This will be important in the early AAs, and will also form some foundation for a tool planned in the final system (Project Tracking).
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      An initial web interface exists that allows the user to query the Observation Data Archive (ODA) and return results that show linkages between Scheduling Block Definitions (SBDs) and Execution Blocks (EBs), in both directions.

      It should be possible to query for SBDs by ID.

      It should be possible to query for EBs by ID.

      The return results should show the other entities that are referenced if they exist or a simple "No <entity>" message (where <entity> is SBI(s), SBD or EB.

      (Optional - it should be possible to "expand" the information present in each entity on request from the user)



      An initial web interface exists that allows the user to query the Observation Data Archive (ODA) and return results that show linkages between Scheduling Block Definitions (SBDs) and Execution Blocks (EBs), in both directions. It should be possible to query for SBDs by ID. It should be possible to query for EBs by ID. The return results should show the other entities that are referenced if they exist or a simple "No <entity>" message (where <entity> is SBI(s), SBD or EB. (Optional - it should be possible to "expand" the information present in each entity on request from the user)    
    • 4
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    • Team_NAKSHATRA
    • Sprint 5
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      New web interface is available now that allows the user to query the ODA and return results that show linkages between Scheduling Block Definitions (SBDs) and Execution Blocks (EBs). Now it's possible to query for SBDs by ID and EBs by ID.

      1. New release of ska-oso-ptt is available on car repo:


      New web interface is available now that allows the user to query the ODA and return results that show linkages between Scheduling Block Definitions (SBDs) and Execution Blocks (EBs). Now it's possible to query for SBDs by ID and EBs by ID. 1. New release of ska-oso-ptt is available on car repo: ska-oso-ptt:1.0.0
    • 19.5
    • Stories Completed, Integrated, Solution Intent Updated, BDD Testing Passes (no errors), Outcomes Reviewed, NFRS met, Demonstrated, Satisfies Acceptance Criteria, Accepted by FO
    • PI23 - UNCOVERED

    • Team_NAKSHATRA
    • OMC-G1


      Create a (web) GUI that can query the ODA for information on stored EBs, SBDs, SBIs, and the links between them (i.e. a certain SBI was generated from a certain SBD, an EB with EBID XX was derived from executin SBI YY) and then display the results in the GUI.

      This can build on the work done in SP-2580.

      This feature is laying some of the foundation for the project tracking tool (PTT), it is worth reading the relevant section of the OSO SAD to get an idea of the eventual functionality of that tool.  This first version is expected to be very primitive.

      In a near-future PI we hope to extend this to be able to provide links to Data Products from the SDP.


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                a.bridger Bridger, Alan
                p.klaassen Klaassen, Pamela
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                  Story Point Burn-up: (100.00%)

                  Feature Estimate: 4.0

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                  To Do00.0
                  In Progress   00.0



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