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  1. SAFe Program
  2. SP-2580

Add query support to ODA

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      The ability to query the ODA allows users to easily find and retrieve existing SBs which meet their observational needs without having to either inspect all existing SBs or create new/duplicate ones. This increases productivity.

      The ability to query the ODA allows users to easily find and retrieve existing SBs which meet their observational needs without having to either inspect all existing SBs or create new/duplicate ones. This increases productivity.
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      • It is possible to query the ODA for Scheduling blocks based on an SB ID/name.
      • It is possible to query the ODA for 'typical' SB parameters e.g. target/source name, observing band. and return all matching SBs
      • A command line tool is available to query the ODA.
      It is possible to query the ODA for Scheduling blocks based on an SB ID/name. It is possible to query the ODA for 'typical' SB parameters e.g. target/source name, observing band. and return all matching SBs A command line tool is available to query the ODA.
    • 3
    • 3
    • 20
    • 6.667
    • Team_BUTTONS
    • Sprint 5
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      • Query end-points have been added to the ODA's API which allow the various defined entities (SBDs, SBIs, EBs and Projects) to be queried
      • Various query methods have been defined: user name (also partial matches), as well as creation and last-modified dates. The last both come in 'before' and 'after' varieties
      • A command-line interface has been added to the ODA which allows a user to query the ODA.
      Query end-points have been added to the ODA's API which allow the various defined entities (SBDs, SBIs, EBs and Projects) to be queried Various query methods have been defined: user name (also partial matches), as well as creation and last-modified dates. The last both come in 'before' and 'after' varieties A command-line interface has been added to the ODA which allows a user to query the ODA.
    • 16.6
    • Stories Completed, Integrated, Outcomes Reviewed, NFRS met, Demonstrated, Satisfies Acceptance Criteria, Accepted by FO


      As a user I want to search the ODA for matching data so that I can easily view it, edit it, or send it to the telescope for observing.

      Users need to search for the OSO database for data (projects, SBs, etc.) they want to view, edit, or send to the telescope for observing. Add search functionality to the ODA so that users can perform some standard queries (find my SBs, find SBs created between these times, etc.). Add a way for users to exercise these queries, preferably from the command line. For instance, a user at a terminal could run oda query sbd author="foo" --all-versions and see a list of all the SBDs and versions matching the query.

      The ODA has Postgres, filesystem, and memory backends. Adding query functionality to the Postgres backend has highest priority. Adding equivalent query functionality to the non-Postgres backends is desirable but not mandatory; having these backends return NotImplemented or similar would be acceptable for more complex queries. 

      The current PDM may need extending with attributes that a user would commonly want to search on, for example, an SB author or SB title.

      Remember that the ODA database technology may change, so any implementation should be easily modifiable.

      Some queries such as 'find SBs that observe around position X' might need geospatial support to be done properly. This more advanced queries are lower priority, but could be worth researching.


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                Adam.Avison Avison, Adam
                p.klaassen Klaassen, Pamela
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                  Feature Estimate: 3.0

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