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  1. SAFe Program
  2. SP-2940

Create a Jupyter Notebook script walkthrough of the AA0.5 LOW Imaging Scenario

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    • Obs Mgt & Controls
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      • Monitoring and control chain of the LOW telescope (OSO, TMC, CSP.LMC & SDP) is exercised using a Jupyter Notebook.
      • Can be used for executing tests on Low telescope components.
      • Limitations and missing functionality is surfaced in advance of AA0.5.
      • Sufficient documentation exists so that it is possible for AA0.5 Users to test drive a (slice) of the LOW telescope monitoring and control chain from the Operations Sandbox/Ops room at SKA HQ.
      • Can be used to show the propagation of metadata through the LOW control chain.
      Monitoring and control chain of the LOW telescope (OSO, TMC, CSP.LMC & SDP) is exercised using a Jupyter Notebook. Can be used for executing tests on Low telescope components. Limitations and missing functionality is surfaced in advance of AA0.5. Sufficient documentation exists so that it is possible for AA0.5 Users to test drive a (slice) of the LOW telescope monitoring and control chain from the Operations Sandbox/Ops room at SKA HQ. Can be used to show the propagation of metadata through the LOW control chain.
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      • An example Jupyter Notebook which can interact with/control the TMC, CSP.LMC and SDP sub-systems for LOW is created. Will require the creation of a new repository.
      • Uses the standard python/poetry/oci image tool chain
      • The Jupyter Notebook follows and can execute the steps within the AA0.5 LOW Imaging Scenario which are achievable within the slice defined in OMC Goal 2 in PI17. (TMC, CSP.LMC, emulated CBF, SDP).
      • It is possible to demonstrate from the "Operations Sandbox" deployment environment / Ops room the use of the Jupyter Notebook and monitor the states of the subsystems being exercised.
      • Any limitations in the current control infrastructure are surfaced and documented. 
      • A set of passing BDD tests for assigning resources configuring and running a scan; reflected on a Jira test in XRAY, and traced back to the Execute Observation Use Case.
      An example Jupyter Notebook which can interact with/control the TMC, CSP.LMC and SDP sub-systems for LOW is created. Will require the creation of a new repository. Uses the standard python/poetry/oci image tool chain The Jupyter Notebook follows and can execute the steps within the AA0.5 LOW Imaging Scenario which are achievable within the slice defined in OMC Goal 2 in PI17. (TMC, CSP.LMC, emulated CBF, SDP). It is possible to demonstrate from the "Operations Sandbox" deployment environment / Ops room the use of the Jupyter Notebook and monitor the states of the subsystems being exercised. Any limitations in the current control infrastructure are surfaced and documented.  A set of passing BDD tests for assigning resources configuring and running a scan; reflected on a Jira test in XRAY, and traced back to the Execute Observation Use Case.
    • 5
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    • Team_NAKSHATRA
    • Sprint 5
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      Low Jupyter Notebook code available in following repository:  https://gitlab.com/ska-telescope/ska-jupyter-scripting Users working from the "SKAO Operations Sandbox" can drive a  software only  slice of the LOW telescope for a simulated observation, following the  A A0.5 LOW imaging scenario. There is a user guide available on confluence page:                            PI17 LOW Imaging Scenario Walkthrough Jupyter Notebook Released version 1.0.0:  https://gitlab.com/ska-telescope/ska-jupyter-scripting/-/tree/1.0.0
    • 17.6
    • Stories Completed, Integrated, BDD Testing Passes (no errors), Outcomes Reviewed, Demonstrated, Satisfies Acceptance Criteria, Accepted by FO


      The feature aims to create a JupyterNotebook deployed in the SKAO BinderHub which exercises the current capabilities of the SKAO LOW software suite to walkthrough a partial implementation of the AA0.5 LOW Imaging Scenario (AA0.5_LOW_Scenario_Imaging.docx).

      The goal is to allow a user in the Operations Sandbox to achieve a slice of the AA0.5 Low Imaging Scenario, based on the OMC Goal 2 in PI17.

      The expected functionality covers the Observation State changes On, assign resource, configure scan(s), scan(s), release resources, off.

      Should create a similar, possibly improved, Notebook to the outcomes of SP-2761

      The Notebook should exercise a LOW SW deployment which is deployed in the Operations Sandbox environment from the start.


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                Adam.Avison Avison, Adam
                Adam.Avison Avison, Adam
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                2 Start watching this issue

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                  Story Point Burn-up: (100.00%)

                  Feature Estimate: 5.0

                  IssuesStory Points
                  To Do00.0
                  In Progress   00.0



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