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  1. SAFe Program
  2. SP-2909

TMC implements the correct DISH ID format (ADR-32)

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    • Obs Mgt & Controls
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      Adopt use of the correct Dish IDs.

      Why now:  DISH ID is used in virtually all M&C components in the MID Telescope.  Current implementation uses numerical only DISH IDs which does not align with the actual DISH ID defined  by the SKA documents and used by the Telescope Delivery Teams,  Contractors and Operations. 

      All user interfaces, including logs, alarms, and dashboards,  should use the correct DISH ID  to avoid misunderstanding.   A maintenance person in the desert should see the same DISH ID painted on the dish, shown in technical documents and diagrams,  and displayed on the screens.

      DISH ID is embedded in the digitized data flowing from the DISH (more specifically SPFRx) to CBF, if we use different IDs internally and externally that will inevitably lead to confusion.

      If implemented early, this is a small change that affects many components.

      If we continue using numeric-only Dish ID, user interfaces and other interface software will need to be updated later when the Meerkat dishes are integrated, i.e. when  the bulk of M&C software has been developed, integrated and released. By that time we will develop  many more software components and user interfaces and the change will require more resources.

      Adopt use of the correct Dish IDs. Why now :  DISH ID is used in virtually all M&C components in the MID Telescope.  Current implementation uses numerical only DISH IDs which does not align with the actual DISH ID defined  by the SKA documents and used by the Telescope Delivery Teams,  Contractors and Operations.  All user interfaces, including logs, alarms, and dashboards,  should use the correct DISH ID  to avoid misunderstanding.   A maintenance person in the desert should see the same DISH ID painted on the dish, shown in technical documents and diagrams,  and displayed on the screens. DISH ID is embedded in the digitized data flowing from the DISH (more specifically SPFRx) to CBF, if we use different IDs internally and externally that will inevitably lead to confusion. If implemented early, this is a small change that affects many components. If we continue using numeric-only Dish ID, user interfaces and other interface software will need to be updated later when the Meerkat dishes are integrated, i.e. when  the bulk of M&C software has been developed, integrated and released. By that time we will develop  many more software components and user interfaces and the change will require more resources.
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      All BDDs tests have been updated to use the correct Dish ID format (as per ADR-32).

      BDD tests which configure subarrays and execute SBs and scans pass (more precisely the  outcome of the BDD tests that can be successfully completed is not affected).

      Taranta dashboard, alarms, logs and other artifacts generated during the testing  use  correct Dish ID format.

      All BDDs tests have been updated to use the correct Dish ID format (as per ADR-32 ). BDD tests which configure subarrays and execute SBs and scans pass (more precisely the  outcome of the BDD tests that can be successfully completed is not affected). Taranta dashboard, alarms, logs and other artifacts generated during the testing  use  correct Dish ID format.
    • 2
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    • Team_HIMALAYA
    • Sprint 3
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      The TMC is updated to handle Dish IDs that are compatible to ADR-32 format. The SKAMPI integration is descoped due to dependency on other subsystems which are not going to be ready till PI 19.

      TMC chart is made available on CAR.

      The TMC is updated to handle Dish IDs that are compatible to ADR-32 format. The SKAMPI integration is descoped due to dependency on other subsystems which are not going to be ready till PI 19. TMC chart is made available on CAR.
    • 18.6
    • Stories Completed, Solution Intent Updated, Outcomes Reviewed, Satisfies Acceptance Criteria, Accepted by FO
    • PI24 - NOTRUN

    • Team_HIMALAYA
    • OMC-G1


      Control System software shall implement ADR-32; this change affects the following products (sub-systems) :

      • Telescope Model which defines the format/content of the subarray configuration.
      • OET
      • TMC
      • DISH LMC (and the DISH.LMC simulator)
      • SPFRx
      • CSP.LMC
      • Mid.CBF
      • SDP  (to be discussed: If needed, the scope of this JIRA ticket could be limited to OMC ART;  this would require TMC to send to SDP the numeric only Dish IDs).
      • The Taranta Dashboards which allow users to create subarrays and display status of dishes and subarrays may be affected (the Taranata dashboards which transparently pass a JSON string with the list of dishes are not affected).
      • BDD tests.


      SPFRx and Mid.CBF implemented  ADR-32 DISH ID in PI16 but implementation remained on a branch given that the TMC and CSP.LMC and DISH.LMC did not implemente the change.  In PI17, SPFRx and Mid.CBF  are able to handle both the old DISH ID format (i.e. integer),  and the correct version (see ADR-32).   A DISH ID specified in the 'numbers only' format (nnn) is translated into SKAnnn.  When TMC, DSIH.LMC and CSP.LMC become able to handle ADR-32 format, the temporary solution should be discontinued, and only correct ADR-32 DISH ID will be accepted.

      Work on this Feature includes design work to determine:

      1. How does TMC get the DISH ID for each Dish? 
      2. How does the DISH.LMC get the DISH ID ? Does DISH.LMC  receive DISH ID  from TMC?
      3. How does Mid.CBF get information which DISH is connected to which VCC?  From TMC (via CSP.LMC) ?  Or directly from the Telescope Model ?  (note that we during testing and commissioning we may need to update that table quite frequently. also we need a different table for different deployments).

      Note: The DISH inserts the DISH ID in the data flowing from the Dish to Mid.CBF.  More specifically SPFRx (Single Pixel Feed receiver) inserts DISH ID in the output data flowing to the Mid.CBF VCC (Very Coarse Channeliser).  Each MID.CBF VCC receives data from a single dish.  VCC  obtains the  DISH ID  from the incoming data received from the DISH  and compares to the  DISH ID  received via TMC and CSP.LMC; if the IDs do not match Mid.CBF will  raise a WARNING  or an ALARM.



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                s.vrcic Vrcic, Sonja
                s.vrcic Vrcic, Sonja
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                  Feature Estimate: 2.0

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