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  1. SAFe Program
  2. SP-2906

Profiling studies

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    • SRCnet
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      The information from the profiling studies will be useful to identify hardware requirements from the use cases as well as to optimize the scientific application for a better use of the resources

      The information from the profiling studies will be useful to identify hardware requirements from the use cases as well as to optimize the scientific application for a better use of the resources
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      AC1: For each use case a report that compile and summarize the results from the execution of the profiling tools, providing information about the peformance of the scientific applications and the use of the computing resources

      AC1: For each use case a report that compile and summarize the results from the execution of the profiling tools, providing information about the peformance of the scientific applications and the use of the computing resources
    • 4
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    • Team_CORAL
    • Sprint 5
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      Demo/Report explaining the performance information gathered from the profiling studies for each of the 3 use cases:


      Demo/Report explaining the performance information gathered from the profiling studies for each of the 3 use cases: https://confluence.skatelescope.org/display/SRCSC/COR-119%3A+Prepare+a+report+summarising+the+profiling+executions  
    • 16.6
    • Demonstrated, Satisfies Acceptance Criteria
    • PI24 - UNCOVERED

    • SRC-CompPlat SRC-UseCase


      In SP-2647, we have gathered a list of use cases, ensuring that we have all the elements (input data, configuration parameters, software tools, documentation) required to execute the use case, and we have also analysed different profiling tools. The next step is to be achieved in PI16 is to carry out the profiling studies by executing the profiling tools for each of the use cases, gathering and analysing the metrics produced by these tools to generate a report about the performance of the scientific applications in each use cases.  The repository to gather the results from this work was created and organised in the previous PI:  https://gitlab.com/ska-telescope/src/src-scientific-use-cases


      Who: Coral and collaboration with WG6

      What: Do profiling studies on the use cases

      Why: Provide resource usage metrics (profiling) for use cases. This objective is to know the performance of the applications and workflows that will be used in the SRCNet pipelines (use cases) and how they use the computing resources in order to detect bottlenecks, optimize use of the resources, code optimization, among others.



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                r.bolton Bolton, Rosie
                M.Parra Parra, Manuel
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