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  1. SAFe Program
  2. SP-2826

Expand suite of Rucio automated tests

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    • SRCnet
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      Expanding knowledge of the testing framework across the ART will be a valuable first step to start running targeted tests across the Rucio testbed. This feature will involve learning how the rucio-task-manager defines and runs tests, supported by Cyan and an element of running either a simple test as a proof of concept or a more specific test that aims to test a particular part of the Rucio infrastructure.

      This knowledge will be the first step to develop a detailed evaluation of Rucio. This evaluation will help us to identify some of the critical points that the SRCNet data management system will face and that will need improvements, and hence guiding us on how to customize the evaluation of other technologies for DM (i.e. this evaluation will tell us  some of things which we need to look for in a DM system).


      Expanding knowledge of the testing framework across the ART will be a valuable first step to start running targeted tests across the Rucio testbed. This feature will involve learning how the rucio-task-manager defines and runs tests, supported by Cyan and an element of running either a simple test as a proof of concept or a more specific test that aims to test a particular part of the Rucio infrastructure. This knowledge will be the first step to develop a detailed evaluation of Rucio. This evaluation will help us to identify some of the critical points that the SRCNet data management system will face and that will need improvements, and hence guiding us on how to customize the evaluation of other technologies for DM (i.e. this evaluation will tell us  some of things which we need to look for in a DM system).  
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      AC1: Team(s) to propose a test (with thoughts on how to visualise it within Grafana) and to write it within the rucio-task-manager framework.

      AC2: Test(s) pushed to rucio-task-manager-repo to run on ska cloud resources.

      AC3: Test results captured and shown on srcdev grafana dashboard

      AC1: Team(s) to propose a test (with thoughts on how to visualise it within Grafana) and to write it within the rucio-task-manager framework. AC2: Test(s) pushed to rucio-task-manager-repo to run on ska cloud resources. AC3: Test results captured and shown on srcdev grafana dashboard
    • 2
    • 2
    • 0
    • Team_CORAL
    • Sprint 5
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      https://confluence.skatelescope.org/display/SRCSC/COR-223+Rucio+tests+-+Get+familiar+with+rucio-task-manager?src=contextnavpagetreemode   https://confluence.skatelescope.org/display/SRCSC/COR-224+Rucio+tests+-+Meeting+with+Richard+to+gather+his+feedback+related+to+network+tests?src=contextnavpagetreemode
    • 20.2
    • Stories Completed
    • PI23 - UNCOVERED

    • PI18-PB SRC-DM SRC-Rucio SRCPB


      Several sites are integrated or soon will be integrated in the Rucio DL building a testbed ready to be evaluated. We should test this DL taking into account SKA data volumes, data rates, formats and other characteristics that we may identify from the WG6 Use Case document. We also need to evaluate the transfer between RSE with different transfer protocolos and different storage resource managements.

      In general, we need first to identify what needs to be evaluated, so we need to establish what tests are needed & agree with sites that the payload sizes will be okay. This feature will outline the details of the exact tests being built after collaborative discussions with Cyan. Expand functional tests within the rucio-task-manager framework as necessary, verify they work locally and then raise PRs for CD on ska cloud resources. Tests should be written with an idea of a supporting visualisation. Cyan team to provide support for the rucio-task-manager. Knowledge share session by Cyan. Sites integrated in the Rucio DL will want to monitor their internal/external network during the tests, in order to get valuable information about their network performance, so teams like Coral would want to participate here


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                R.Barnsley Barnsley, Rob
                R.Barnsley Barnsley, Rob
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                  Story Point Burn-up: (100.00%)

                  Feature Estimate: 2.0

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                  To Do00.0
                  In Progress   00.0



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