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  1. SAFe Program
  2. SP-2747

Test multi-scan visibility receive in persistent SDP deployment

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    • PI16
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    • Data Processing
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      Being able to receive and store visibility data from multiple successive scans is a fundamental requirement for SDP at AA0.5. Running regular tests of the multi-scan visibility receive processing script in the persistent SDP deployment is a way to get data on the robustness of the system and help us to uncover any problems that need to be resolved.

      Being able to receive and store visibility data from multiple successive scans is a fundamental requirement for SDP at AA0.5. Running regular tests of the multi-scan visibility receive processing script in the persistent SDP deployment is a way to get data on the robustness of the system and help us to uncover any problems that need to be resolved.
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      • Changes to the SDP and its processing scripts to support multiple scans in visibility receive are complete, and they have been integrated and released.
      • Multi-scan visibility receive test is run as part of the scheduled tests of the persistent SDP deployment.
      • Jupyter notebook to demonstrate how to run multi-scan visibility receive is available in the SDP notebook repository.
      Changes to the SDP and its processing scripts to support multiple scans in visibility receive are complete, and they have been integrated and released. Multi-scan visibility receive test is run as part of the scheduled tests of the persistent SDP deployment. Jupyter notebook to demonstrate how to run multi-scan visibility receive is available in the SDP notebook repository.
    • Intra Program
    • 2
    • 2
    • 0
    • Team_ORCA, Team_YANDA
    • Sprint 4
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      The work was demoed at DP ART System Demo 16.4 (slides: https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/14SiYiSfDmsqgO3yZI5zqLqvzEnJKKCKhmPwW-Cnw4EY/edit)

      AC1: The two teams have finalized and merged all outstanding merge requests that were related. SDP 0.12.0 has been released (and then 0.12.1) as well as the latest vis-receive script, 0.6.0, both support running multiple scans. All SDP sub-components have been updated accordingly and their latest versions incorporated in the newest SDP release.

      SDP releases:  REL-107, REL-310

      vis-receive processing script: https://artefact.skao.int/#browse/browse:docker-internal:v2%2Fska-sdp-script-vis-receive%2Ftags%2F0.6.0

      AC2: The two teams have updated the test in ska-sdp-integration to run the multi-scan visibility receive. These updates have automatically been migrated to the scheduled persistent SDP tests. example output: https://gitlab.com/ska-telescope/sdp/ska-sdp-integration/-/jobs/3214828047#L119

      Team ORCA has also implemented a 20-minute long alternating-scans test, which calls the multi-scan visibility receive script. This is set up to run on schedule, once every day, on the persistent SDP. example output: https://gitlab.com/ska-telescope/sdp/ska-sdp-integration/-/pipelines/683341283 (currently on a branch)

      AC3: Team Yanda implemented Jupyter notebook available at:

      for a description see "demo 2" slides https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1nE9zAEpH4sJIBQugt7X_RRqwz1uTeSzSQjpzey5wUFs/edit#slide=id.g17a624d614d_0_72

      The work was demoed at DP ART System Demo 16.4 (slides: https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/14SiYiSfDmsqgO3yZI5zqLqvzEnJKKCKhmPwW-Cnw4EY/edit ) AC1: The two teams have finalized and merged all outstanding merge requests that were related. SDP 0.12.0 has been released (and then 0.12.1) as well as the latest vis-receive script, 0.6.0, both support running multiple scans. All SDP sub-components have been updated accordingly and their latest versions incorporated in the newest SDP release. SDP releases:  REL-107 , REL-310 vis-receive processing script: https://artefact.skao.int/#browse/browse:docker-internal:v2%2Fska-sdp-script-vis-receive%2Ftags%2F0.6.0 AC2: The two teams have updated the test in ska-sdp-integration to run the multi-scan visibility receive. These updates have automatically been migrated to the scheduled persistent SDP tests. example output: https://gitlab.com/ska-telescope/sdp/ska-sdp-integration/-/jobs/3214828047#L119 Team ORCA has also implemented a 20-minute long alternating-scans test, which calls the multi-scan visibility receive script. This is set up to run on schedule, once every day, on the persistent SDP. example output: https://gitlab.com/ska-telescope/sdp/ska-sdp-integration/-/pipelines/683341283 (currently on a branch) AC3: Team Yanda implemented Jupyter notebook available at: https://sdhp.stfc.skao.int/binderhub/v2/gl/ska-telescope%2Fsdp%2Fska-sdp-notebooks/main for a description see "demo 2" slides  https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1nE9zAEpH4sJIBQugt7X_RRqwz1uTeSzSQjpzey5wUFs/edit#slide=id.g17a624d614d_0_72
    • 16.4
    • Stories Completed, Integrated, BDD Testing Passes (no errors), Outcomes Reviewed, Demonstrated, Satisfies Acceptance Criteria, Accepted by FO
    • PI24 - UNCOVERED

    • DP-SDP: G1 SOL: G1



      The changes to the SDP control system and processing scripts to support multiple scans in visibility receive were almost complete at the end of PI15. There are merge requests pending in:

      • Telescope model (to implement the new command and attribute schemas);
      • Local monitoring and control;
      • Processing scripts;
      • Scripting library;

      with most of the necessary changes. They need to be finished off, integrated and released.

      The scheduled test of the persistent SDP system should be updated to run a multi-scan version of the visibility receive test. It would be enlightening if this test is a longer version of the standard test, for example, it could execute alternating scans for an extended period.

      You should also create a Jupyter notebook to explain how to run the multi-scan version of the visibility receive processing script.


      • SDP developers
      • AIV engineers
      • Commissioning scientists


      See acceptance criteria.


      See benefit hypothesis.


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                m.ashdown Ashdown, Mark
                b.mort Mort, Ben
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                  Story Point Burn-up: (100.00%)

                  Feature Estimate: 2.0

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                  In Progress   00.0



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