Must have
Obs Mgt & Controls
Sprint 5
Stories Completed, Satisfies Acceptance Criteria, Accepted by FO
The CSP.LMC has grown in size and complexity and is able to control the hardware components of CSP. However the monitoring functionalities are still in its infancy. To fully proceed in the way of more and more complete implementation of a real word control system the CSP.LMC needs some specific functionalities, at least in the form of a framework. This feature starts an effort aimed at developing:
- the monitoring of CSP component states as summarized in a previous work
- Some long needed functionalities on wrapping-up some physical quantities as number of: input packets, processed packets, processing or network errors, output data size, temperatures, etc.
The previous work relies on the implementation of few wrap-up tools which let CSP.LMC reports the summary value of one or more particular set of parameters of a number of lower level devices to an uper client, as TM or a monitoring Taranta Dashboard. If no real data are available the framework can be tested by data generated by a suitable simulator.
For reference, and only as an example, we list here 4 commonly used wrap up tools:
- mean and st dev
- minimum, median and maximum
- 5%,20%,50%,80%,95% quantiles
- number of acceptable values and numbers of too low and too high values
Issue Links
- Child Of
SS-130 Enable Mid AA0.5 Visibility Data capture
- Implementing
SS-144 Low AA0.5 Visibility Data capture
- Done
SS-108 Low-C1: Complete Low ITF integration ahead of the 'Verification Test Ready Review'
- Done
- depends on
SP-1514 Refactoring of CSP.LMC - part 3 - Master/Control Refactoring
- Done
- Is delivered by
REL-1542 CSP.LMC Mid reports live information about visibilities data creation
- Discarded
REL-1541 CSP.LMC Low reports live information about visibilities and PST Data creation
- Released
- mentioned in
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