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  1. SAFe Program
  2. SP-1501

LMC Base Classes - update implementation of the Operational State

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      Each TANGO Device models a particular sub-system or device. The operational state  transitions much depend on the nature of the device or sub-system, implementation has to be carefully considered in each case, so that the reported value accurately represents the actual state. The same applies for commands that trigger state transitions.

      The base class implementation should suppport the SKA needs and related documentation should  be updated to describe the intended use, limitations, and to help with the analysis.

      Each TANGO Device models a particular sub-system or device. The operational state  transitions much depend on the nature of the device or sub-system, implementation has to be carefully considered in each case, so that the reported value accurately represents the actual state. The same applies for commands that trigger state transitions. The base class implementation should suppport the SKA needs and related documentation should  be updated to describe the intended use, limitations, and to help with the analysis.
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      • Description of the operational state in CS guidelines updated.
      • Implementation of the operational state in the LMC Base classes (Master, sibarray, obsDevice) updated to support the SKA requirements and intent (as explained in CS GUidelines).
      • Documentation in the LMC base classes updated to reflect the new implementation.
      Description of the operational state in CS guidelines updated. Implementation of the operational state in the LMC Base classes (Master, sibarray, obsDevice) updated to support the SKA requirements and intent (as explained in CS GUidelines). Documentation in the LMC base classes updated to reflect the new implementation.
    • 1.6
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    • 8.125
    • Team_MCCS
    • Sprint 5
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      Description of the operational state in CS guidelines updated.
      Addressed by MCCS-394. Excerpt from its Outcome "An implementation proposal was developed and documented at https://confluence.skatelescope.org/display/SE/%5BMCCS-394%5D+opState+implementation+proposal.
      Furthermore MCCS-395 captures the interpaly between the opoerational state machine and other elements of the control model. This too is documented in the above linked Confluence page.
      This has been reviewed and approved by the control system architect."
      Implementation of the operational state in the LMC Base classes (Master, sibarray, obsDevice) updated to support the SKA requirements and intent (as explained in CS GUidelines).
      MCCS-396, MCCS-397, MCCS-398  MCCS-399 facilitated the code implementation and cross team review by Devereux,Drew & Joubert, Anton. Commits and MR commentry can be accessed via these linked tickets.
      Documentation in the LMC base classes updated to reflect the new implementation.
      MCCS-519 provided facility the the base classes to be able to automatically generate UML using PlantUML.

      Description of the operational state in CS guidelines updated. Addressed by MCCS-394. Excerpt from its Outcome "An implementation proposal was developed and documented at  https://confluence.skatelescope.org/display/SE/%5BMCCS-394%5D+opState+implementation+proposal . Furthermore MCCS-395 captures the interpaly between the opoerational state machine and other elements of the control model. This too is documented in the above linked Confluence page. This has been reviewed and approved by the control system architect." Implementation of the operational state in the LMC Base classes (Master, sibarray, obsDevice) updated to support the SKA requirements and intent (as explained in CS GUidelines). MCCS-396, MCCS-397, MCCS-398  MCCS-399 facilitated the code implementation and cross team review by Devereux,Drew & Joubert, Anton. Commits and MR commentry can be accessed via these linked tickets. Documentation in the LMC base classes updated to reflect the new implementation. MCCS-519 provided facility the the base classes to be able to automatically generate UML using PlantUML.
    • 10.6
    • Stories Completed, Integrated, Solution Intent Updated, Outcomes Reviewed, NFRS met, Satisfies Acceptance Criteria, Accepted by FO
    • PI22 - UNCOVERED


      Implementation of the state machine for the Operational State does not match the actual requirements and the original intent (described in the Control System Guidelines).

      The large sub-systems such as LFAA, CSP, SDP  are required to implement STANDBY  state where they use less then <5% of the nominal power, and must implement a controlled transition to ON to control inrush current.  Note:  Operational state is implemented by the TANGO attrbute 'state' which is implemented in the TANGO core; a set of 'values'  is fixed and cannot be modified to match the SKA needs. For that reson, the SKA required 'low-power state' is represented by the TANGO state=STANDBY.

      Most smaller sub-systems and individual devices are not required to implement STANDBY state and can proceed to ON  when initlization is completed (i.e. when power is connected transition OFF -> INIT -> ON), provide guidelines for implementation for a range of device types.

      Other minor updates may be also required.

      The proposed functionality is described here: 

      Operational State-SonjaV-2021-02-02.pdf




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                j.santander-vela Santander-Vela, Juande
                s.vrcic Vrcic, Sonja
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