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  1. SAFe Program
  2. SP-1291

Deployment and test of integrated CSP.LMC-SDP ingest prototype to PSI Low


    • Feature
    • Not Assigned
    • PI8
    • COM SDP SW
    • None
    • Data Processing
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      This is the first end-to-end integrated software prototype deployed at the PSI Low (production environment), which runs a simulated observation triggered from the CSP.LMC (TANGO) side and simulated visibilities captured on the SDP ingest. Deployment of this software will inform Product Management on issues on deployment infrastructure in the production environment and to identify gaps in the interfaces between CSP.LMC (TANGO) and SDP. This initial work is critical to reduce risk due to mismatch interfaces and mitigate early issues on deployment to production environment well ahead of early Array Assemblies.

      This is the first end-to-end integrated software prototype deployed at the PSI Low (production environment), which runs a simulated observation triggered from the CSP.LMC (TANGO) side and simulated visibilities captured on the SDP ingest. Deployment of this software will inform Product Management on issues on deployment infrastructure in the production environment and to identify gaps in the interfaces between CSP.LMC (TANGO) and SDP. This initial work is critical to reduce risk due to mismatch interfaces and mitigate early issues on deployment to production environment well ahead of early Array Assemblies.
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      • Implement BDD and/or functional testing scripts that runs a simulated observation triggered from CSP.LMC that writes simulated visibilities into MS file via SDP ingest. This is likely to be implemented in collaboration with AIV system team. 
      • Deploy the integrated CSP.LMC, CBF-emulator and SDP ingest workflow prototype software (output of SP-1155) and the BDD testing code in the PSI Low platform using the deployment infrastructure.
      • AIV system testers executing the DBB test scripts and provide feedback on the execution.
      • Identify gaps in the deployment infrastructure and interfaces between TMC, CSP and SDP.
      • Produce a lessons learned report to feedback to the Product Management, focusing on issues on deployment infrastructure (production environment) and gaps in the interfaces between TMC, CSP and SDP (from the monitoring & control side)
      • This feature is done once the BDD test is implemented and executed but not necessarily PASSED; and failures are investigated and documented.
      • stretch: Provide Scripts / tests that output MS can be opened successfully with CASA
      Implement BDD and/or functional testing scripts that runs a simulated observation triggered from CSP.LMC that writes simulated visibilities into MS file via SDP ingest. This is likely to be implemented in collaboration with AIV system team.  Deploy the integrated CSP.LMC, CBF-emulator and SDP ingest workflow prototype software (output of SP-1155 ) and the BDD testing code in the PSI Low platform using the deployment infrastructure. AIV system testers executing the DBB test scripts and provide feedback on the execution. Identify gaps in the deployment infrastructure and interfaces between TMC, CSP and SDP. Produce a lessons learned report to feedback to the Product Management, focusing on issues on deployment infrastructure (production environment) and gaps in the interfaces between TMC, CSP and SDP (from the monitoring & control side) This feature is done once the BDD test is implemented and executed but not necessarily PASSED; and failures are investigated and documented. stretch: Provide Scripts / tests that output MS can be opened successfully with CASA
    • 2
    • 2
    • 26.5
    • Team_YANDA
    • Sprint 5
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      The work log section of the lessons learned details how the ACs were met, how the implementation plan evolved during PI8 and which code patches where motivated by the exercise: https://confluence.skatelescope.org/display/SE/Development+and+Deployment+of+End-to-End+CBF-SDP+Interface+Emulation+at+the+PSI+-+Lessons+Learned#DevelopmentandDeploymentofEnd-to-EndCBF-SDPInterfaceEmulationatthePSI-LessonsLearned-WorkLog sysdemo 8.6: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1tjawp6DaOUtL4rA5-YMfsS2DgsgsT1HG
    • 9.1
    • Stories Completed, Integrated, BDD Testing Passes (no errors), Outcomes Reviewed, NFRS met, Demonstrated, Satisfies Acceptance Criteria, Accepted by FO


      Feature to deploy an end-to-end CSP.LMC-SDP ingest prototype, implement and execute end-to-end testing, and identify issues with deployment infrastructure into production environment and possible gaps in the interfaces between sub-systems. This feature is critical to mitigate risks and integration issues following an iterative and evolutionary path towards AA0.5 and beyond.



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                b.mort Mort, Ben
                b.mort Mort, Ben
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                Feature Progress

                  Story Point Burn-up: (100.00%)

                  Feature Estimate: 2.0

                  IssuesStory Points
                  To Do00.0
                  In Progress   00.0



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