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  1. SAFe Program
  2. SP-110

CSP LMC prototype - sub-array composition (interface TMC to CSP)

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    • PI3
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      Refine and verify TMC and CSP interface related to sub-array composition. 

      Refine and verify TMC and CSP interface related to sub-array composition. 
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      1.  Interface should be implemented as per following decision:   https://confluence.skatelescope.org/pages/viewpage.action?pageId=23167757   -  Note: the existing version of the ICD CSP to TM  was released before this decision was defined, and does not comply with this decision (ICD update is not planned during PI3, therefore implementation will not be compliant with the latest released version of the ICD).
      2. Class 'receptor' implemented and the basic set of status indicators (admin status, operational status, health).
      3. Ability to query the number of receptors and their status and affiliation (commands implemented by the CSP Master).
      4. Ability to add/remove receptors to/from sub-array. 
      5. Ability to query sub-array composition (the list of receptors that belong to a sub-array). 
       Interface should be implemented as per following decision:    https://confluence.skatelescope.org/pages/viewpage.action?pageId=23167757    -  Note: the existing version of the ICD CSP to TM  was released before this decision was defined, and does not comply with this decision (ICD update is not planned during PI3, therefore implementation will not be compliant with the latest released version of the ICD). Class 'receptor' implemented and the basic set of status indicators (admin status, operational status, health). Ability to query the number of receptors and their status and affiliation (commands implemented by the CSP Master). Ability to add/remove receptors to/from sub-array.  Ability to query sub-array composition (the list of receptors that belong to a sub-array). 
    • 4
    • 4
    • 10
    • Team_CIPA
    • Sprint 1
    • 3.4
    • PI22 - UNCOVERED

    • CSP.LMC Team_CIPA


      Implement and verify a set of commands required to add and remove receptors to/from sub-arrays, query sub-array composition (membership). This includes ability to instantiate pre-defined number of receptors, add receptors to sub-array, remove receptors from a sub-array. State machine for individual receptors, sub-arrays and the CSP (Element) Master. 

      Implement CSP Sub-array commands add/remove receptors to/from sub-array,  as per decision:


      Implement CSP_Common.LMC  Sub-array which can be used as the base for Mid and Low.

      This version implements a single CSP sub-array, all commands implemented as synchronous (blocking) commands. 


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                g.leroux Le Roux, Gerhard [X] (Inactive)
                s.vrcic Vrcic, Sonja
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                  Feature Estimate: 4.0

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                  In Progress   00.0



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