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  1. SAFe Program
  2. SP-1029

Support development of SDC scoring code for SDC2 use case

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      An updated k-d-tree based scoring code provides potentially significant improvements over previous C3 based code both in terms of matching performance and ease of use reducing manual work needed to score SDC2.

      This feature will provide the entry point and skeleton for the SDC2 scoring pipeline in the ska-sdc package, following a similar approach to SDC1, and support the development (by the science team) of the new score calculation. Time will also be allocated for ensuring the developed code meets all applicable SKA standards, maximising its usefulness to the science team (and eventually SDC participants), and minimising technical debt.

      An updated k-d-tree based scoring code provides potentially significant improvements over previous C3 based code both in terms of matching performance and ease of use reducing manual work needed to score SDC2. This feature will provide the entry point and skeleton for the SDC2 scoring pipeline in the ska-sdc package, following a similar approach to SDC1, and support the development (by the science team) of the new score calculation. Time will also be allocated for ensuring the developed code meets all applicable SKA standards, maximising its usefulness to the science team (and eventually SDC participants), and minimising technical debt.
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      • Provide code skeleton for SDC2 scoring to accelerate SKAO science team in SDC2 scoring pipeline. Catalogue IO methods should be implemented to the extent possible, and method stubs for the scoring element provided.
      • Support development of packaged, documented SDC scoring code by SKAO science team for testing with SDC2 use case. Code review where appropriate to keep technical debt to a minimum. Assist in maintaining good test coverage.
      Provide code skeleton for SDC2 scoring to accelerate SKAO science team in SDC2 scoring pipeline. Catalogue IO methods should be implemented to the extent possible, and method stubs for the scoring element provided. Support development of packaged, documented SDC scoring code by SKAO science team for testing with SDC2 use case. Code review where appropriate to keep technical debt to a minimum. Assist in maintaining good test coverage.
    • 1
    • 1
    • 13
    • Team_ESCAPEES
    • Sprint 4
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    • 8.2
    • Stories Completed, Outcomes Reviewed, Demonstrated, Satisfies Acceptance Criteria
    • PI24 - UNCOVERED

    • SPO-576


      Note: Dependency on Science team for what scoring calculation is needed for SDC2.


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                a.bonaldi Bonaldi, Anna
                b.mort Mort, Ben
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                1 Start watching this issue

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                  Story Point Burn-up: (100.00%)

                  Feature Estimate: 1.0

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                  To Do00.0
                  In Progress   00.0



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