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  1. SAFe Solution
  2. SS-141

Mid AA0.5 telescope state and power management


    • Capability
    • Should have
    • PI23
    • None
    • None


      During PI#23 the design of how the power start-up and shutdown control via the TMC needs to be developed, so that it can be implemented in PI#24. This will include functionality in the TMC, Dish.LMC and possibly in the Dish Structure Controller and SPFC.

      An ECP is being prepared to simplify the L1 requirements in regard, and a generic control flow has been developed (see https://confluence.skatelescope.org/display/TDT/Generic+power-on+flow+chart ) The minimal implementation for AA0.5 has also been defined at

      The top-level philosophy is defined in https://confluence.skatelescope.org/display/TDT/Mid+Power+ON+sequence . Further details are being developed in the PI23 Program of Programs, Miro Frame: https://miro.com/app/board/uXjVKY4iwmw=/?moveToWidget=3458764584902587857&cot=14

      In this PI, the following is suggested:

      1. KAROO work with the Dish DA (a.pellegrini) to map clearly what happens when a Dish System received power. The powering steps of each Dish susbsystem, and what is reported to the Dish.LMC.
      2. What happens when full power mode is activated. (NB. Note that there may be confusion between the Power restrictive mode, where Dish is instructed to limit power to x kW, which only limits DS Slewrate, vs the start-up LP mode, where some subsystems may not be fully enabled yet.)  This detail needs to be clarified if not clear.
      3. Check that the lower-level ICDs are correct and understood for Dish/LMC implementation.
      4. TMC needs to figure out how to implement the Dish start-up and shutdown power control and design how this works, aligned with 1,2 and 3 above.





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                g.swart Swart, Gerhard
                b.mort Mort, Ben
                0 Vote for this issue
                4 Start watching this issue

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                  Capability Estimate: 6

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                  In Progress   00



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