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  1. SAFe Program
  2. SP-835

Inbuilt health checks embedded in the MVP

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      To introduce a self-testing capability into the MVP that can be used as a "semantic monitoring" and "health check" of the entire system. This should make people more productive in identifying if the MVP has problems.

      To introduce a self-testing capability into the MVP that can be used as a "semantic monitoring" and "health check" of the entire system. This should make people more productive in identifying if the MVP has problems.
      • there is a folder in the skampi repo that contains 1+ test cases
      • these test cases are periodically run within the staging environment, independently from the CICD pipeline
    • 2
    • 2
    • 4
    • 24.2
    • PI25 - UNCOVERED


      It would be good to have a standard approach for writing health checks that are part of the "MVP". IMO these should be no more no less than pytest tests that are included in the skampi repo and that are deployed within the MVP, and run periodically or perhaps only when the MVP is started, or reset. These tests could be run also within the CICD pipeline, but their purpose is not to verify that a change does introduce a bug.

      The purpose is to highlight issues that the running instance of the MVP might have (like configuration errors, or some component that is missing, etc). 

      To my knowledge we have already something like this-  the good thing would be to standardize them and use the same technologies, approaches and style we use for other acceptance testing. Like using pytest, pytest.mark, pytest-bdd.


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                v.mohile Mohile, Vivek
                g.brajnik Brajnik, Giorgio
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