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  1. SAFe Program
  2. SP-471

Evaluation of PST RFI mitigation

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      Mitigation of RFI is one of the key risks to the PST.  The RFI mitigation design has been shown to work on comparable real-world data but has not yet been tested on data that is 1) fully representative of the RFI environment at either the SKA-mid or SKA-low sites, or 2) fully representative of the signal as it will be received by the PST (after upstream processing by the CBF and other subsystems).  Evaluating the proposed RFI mitigation on truly representative data will retire (or realise) this risk early, enabling appropriate design action to be taken if necessary.

      Mitigation of RFI is one of the key risks to the PST.  The RFI mitigation design has been shown to work on comparable real-world data but has not yet been tested on data that is 1) fully representative of the RFI environment at either the SKA-mid or SKA-low sites, or 2) fully representative of the signal as it will be received by the PST (after upstream processing by the CBF and other subsystems).  Evaluating the proposed RFI mitigation on truly representative data will retire (or realise) this risk early, enabling appropriate design action to be taken if necessary.
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      A minimum level of completion for this feature would be to evaluate the performance (in the manner described in the "description" field above) of the reference SK flagging design on:

      1) Idealised simulated data (as generated using a simplified signal model, adulterated with representative RFI); and
      2) Actual data obtained from a SKA precursor instrument (such as MeerKAT)

      This would ideally be supplemented by performance evaluation of one or more of the following:

      3) Truly representative simulated data (as generated using the golden signal chain model, adulterated with RFI that has characteristics identical to that obtained from RFI use cases from the actual SKA sites)
      4) Simulated data that includes a simulated pulsar signal, passed through a complete prototype PST implementation, whereby the effect on pulsar timing residuals can be evaluated
      5, only if needed) an alternate RFI mitigation approach than the SK implementation

      A minimum level of completion for this feature would be to evaluate the performance (in the manner described in the "description" field above) of the reference SK flagging design on: 1) Idealised simulated data (as generated using a simplified signal model, adulterated with representative RFI); and 2) Actual data obtained from a SKA precursor instrument (such as MeerKAT) This would ideally be supplemented by performance evaluation of one or more of the following: 3) Truly representative simulated data (as generated using the golden signal chain model, adulterated with RFI that has characteristics identical to that obtained from RFI use cases from the actual SKA sites) 4) Simulated data that includes a simulated pulsar signal, passed through a complete prototype PST implementation, whereby the effect on pulsar timing residuals can be evaluated 5, only if needed) an alternate RFI mitigation approach than the SK implementation
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    • Team_PST
    • Sprint 5
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    • PI23 - UNCOVERED

    • Team_PST


      The PST includes signal processing steps that aim to excise Radio Frequency Interference (RFI) from the input signal before pulsar processing (de-dispersion and folding).  While the PST design is flexible enough to incorporate a wide range of potential RFI excision strategies, the present design calls for just one strategy, which is flagging based on Spectral Kurtosis (SK).  The efficacy of the proposed flagging algorithm should be tested on data (real or simulated) which is truly representative of that which can be expected from the final SKA system.

      The outcome of the evaluation should be a determination of the coverage (correctly flagged data) as well as false positive (incorrectly flagged data) and false negative (incorrectly unflagged data) fractions for a given dataset, as achieved by a given RFI mitigation strategy. Moreover, the performance of the implementation can be evaluated by profiling the runtime, to ensure that the design meets or exceeds the requirements imposed by the PST hardware.

      Note that this has been provisionally allocated by the reporter (PST) to Evolutionary Prototyping, but the outcomes cut across Systems CDR and the PST funnel as well.


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                b.alachkar Alachkar, Bassem
                a.deller Adam Deller [X] (Inactive)
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