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  1. SAFe Program
  2. SP-4682

Search tool for all SKA info

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      Currently discoverability of information in the SKA project is challenging. Although all sources of data have their own search functionality, many provide poor search functionality like confluence, etc. SKA also has many repositories of information and its not possible to search across all information repositories. Being able to search across all repositories would increase the efficiency of everyone building SKA as they would be able to find the information they require faster and it would be easier to find the correct or latest information. 

      Currently discoverability of information in the SKA project is challenging. Although all sources of data have their own search functionality, many provide poor search functionality like confluence, etc. SKA also has many repositories of information and its not possible to search across all information repositories. Being able to search across all repositories would increase the efficiency of everyone building SKA as they would be able to find the information they require faster and it would be easier to find the correct or latest information. 
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      • Enable search in gitlab to search across all projects
      • Investigate options for a search tool that indexes all SKA project information
      • Implement search tool (depending on the amount of effort needed this may not finish in PI24)
      Enable search in gitlab to search across all projects Investigate options for a search tool that indexes all SKA project information Implement search tool (depending on the amount of effort needed this may not finish in PI24)
    • 2
    • 2
    • 0
    • PI24 - UNCOVERED


      In 2 of the PI23 problem solving workshops the issue of discoverability of information came up. We require a Search tool that indexes all SKA project information to improve discoverability. Every source of information in the SKA project needs to be indexed, like confluence, jira, google drive files, RTD, ALIM, Jama, gitlab, etc. 

      During one of the problem solving workshops it was highlighted that its not possible to search in SKAO gitlab across all projects. Therefore we need to investigate and implement gitlab search across all SKAO gitlab projects. This could be as simple as just activating a setting in SKAO gitlab to enable this. A discussion about the gitlab search issue can be found here: https://app.slack.com/client/T1T3Q6ZR9/C016F65FBB9

      Google Cloud Search is one example of a product that is capable of doing this by indexing third-party repositories, but other tools should be investigated as well. 





              b.mort Mort, Ben
              f.graser Graser, Ferdl
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                Feature Estimate: 2.0

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