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  1. SAFe Program
  2. SP-4653

Taranta synoptics support clicks and validation

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      The ability to click on SVG elements provides the means to navigate directly from the context, without forcing the user to recall or to figure out how to reach a certain dashboard. THis leads to more effective interactions: less time, more effectiveness.

      A more robust specification of the rules and formatting instructions means fewer errors by end users and therefore shorter generation time for dashboards and synoptics.


      The ability to click on SVG elements provides the means to navigate directly from the context, without forcing the user to recall or to figure out how to reach a certain dashboard. THis leads to more effective interactions: less time, more effectiveness. A more robust specification of the rules and formatting instructions means fewer errors by end users and therefore shorter generation time for dashboards and synoptics.  
      • any SVG element can be made clickable
      • any dashboard can be used as a target for the link.
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    • PI24 - UNCOVERED

    • Taranta


      In PI23 we carried out SP-4375, but achieved only part of it. This is a completion of that.

      Two functionalities among those that were not done, and that are deemed to be useful, are:

      • the ability for the user to click on an SVG element (inside the synoptic widget or the synoptic app) and land on a running dashboard. For example, from a CSP dashboard that has a synoptic diagram of the entire CSP, clicking on a box depicting the processors of the CBF would open a browser page on a dashboard specific for the processors.
      • automatically done validation by Taranta of the expressions inputed by the user for the visibility rules for the layers and/or the extraction and formatting instructions for JSON strings. The goal is that Taranta is capable of flagging syntactically wrong strings early on, to limit the number of errors generated at run time.


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                g.brajnik Brajnik, Giorgio
                g.brajnik Brajnik, Giorgio
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                  Feature Estimate: 1.0

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