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  1. SAFe Program
  2. SP-4622

Consolidate iterative self-calibration (ICAL) pipeline

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    • Feature
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    • PI24
    • COM SDP SW
    • Data Processing
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      As a pipeline developer, I want to have a well-structured and maintainable code base.

      As (commissioning scientist), I want to be able to exercise the ICAL pipeline with minimal effort to install it and learn how it works.

      As a pipeline developer, I want to have a well-structured and maintainable code base. As (commissioning scientist), I want to be able to exercise the ICAL pipeline with minimal effort to install it and learn how it works.
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      1. The work to add a reordering step to DP3 is completed.
      2. Supporting Python data models are added to ska-sdp-datamodels and functions are available through ska-sdp-func-python.
      3. Test coverage of the workflow repository is improved to 75% (currently 65%)
      4. The workflow repo is renamed to ska-sdp-wflow-selfcal
      5. The workflow and its configuration is documented in a manner that makes it usable / accessible to end users.
      6. A release of the pipeline is available to end users.
      7. Stretch: A spike is held to discuss the possibility if introducing w-towers into DP3 and/or WSClean
      The work to add a reordering step to DP3 is completed. Supporting Python data models are added to ska-sdp-datamodels and functions are available through ska-sdp-func-python. Test coverage of the workflow repository is improved to 75% (currently 65%) The workflow repo is renamed to ska-sdp-wflow-selfcal The workflow and its configuration is documented in a manner that makes it usable / accessible to end users. A release of the pipeline is available to end users. Stretch: A spike is held to discuss the possibility if introducing w-towers into DP3 and/or WSClean
    • Intra Program
    • 3
    • 3
    • 0
    • Team_DHRUVA, Team_PANDO, Team_SCHAAP
    • Sprint 5
    • PI24 - UNCOVERED

    • AA2 DP_ART_24.3


      Up to PI22, the Low and Mid iterative self-calibration (ICAL) pipelines were developed independently. In PI23, they were combined in a single ICAL pipeline that can process both Low and Mid data by providing another .yml configuration file. Over the PIs, there has been a big push to get to this point with a feature-complete ICAL pipeline and to make performance improvements. This forward drive, however, has resulted in many loose ends, including:

      • Adding a visibility reordering step to DP3 and connecting that to WSClean is not completed yet;
      • Supporting Python functions are still in the repo itself instead of in the PFL;
      • Test coverage is lower than desired / not adhering to SKA DoD;
      • The workflow repo should be renamed from ska-sdp-wflow-low-selfcal to ska-sdp-wflow-ical or similar;
      • End user documentation should be added and a release of the pipeline should be made.



      See frame on DP ART board: https://miro.com/app/board/uXjVK6Lrdw4=/?moveToWidget=3458764597569097998&cot=14 


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                D.Fenech Fenech, Danielle
                f.graser Graser, Ferdl
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                  Story Point Burn-up: (0%)

                  Feature Estimate: 3.0

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                  To Do00.0
                  In Progress   00.0



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