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  1. SAFe Program
  2. SP-4513

Establish a plan for SRCNet sites to run SDP pipelines (from PI25)

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    • SRCnet
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      SRCNet sites are required to be able to run SDP software but we have no experience at present of what is being developed or what will be required (as a function of time). Where this information has been captured already, it is not well socialised amongst SRCNet members.

      By engaging in a dialogue with the SDP teams we can translate expectations into well-defined work items for future PIs. Both SRCNet and SDP will benefit from this collaboration which will also provide a learning opportunity for SRCNet to understand how to work cross-ART.

      The work-items may be development features (new functionality or integrations), science delivery features (contributions to science projects), or even service operations features (scheduling and running workflows).

      SRCNet sites are required to be able to run SDP software but we have no experience at present of what is being developed or what will be required (as a function of time). Where this information has been captured already, it is not well socialised amongst SRCNet members. By engaging in a dialogue with the SDP teams we can translate expectations into well-defined work items for future PIs. Both SRCNet and SDP will benefit from this collaboration which will also provide a learning opportunity for SRCNet to understand how to work cross-ART. The work-items may be development features (new functionality or integrations), science delivery features (contributions to science projects), or even service operations features (scheduling and running workflows).
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      AC1: A list of representative SDP workflows intended to be run on SRCNet is compiled (if not already), shared on SRCNet Confluence and (re-)communicated to the SRCNet ART.

      AC2: The operational impact of these workflows is approximately understood, based on estimated compute/storage requirements. SOG work items (with candidate SRCs to run workflows) are identified if possible.

      AC3: The development work necessary to integrate these workflows into SRCNet has been translated into mostly-refined features.

      AC4: Communication channels between SDP and SRCNet have been agreed to initiate the onboarding of pipelines over time. This could be via e.g. cross-ART Capabilities, PM meetings, a new SRCNet Science Delivery team ...

      AC1: A list of representative SDP workflows intended to be run on SRCNet is compiled (if not already), shared on SRCNet Confluence and (re-)communicated to the SRCNet ART. AC2: The operational impact of these workflows is approximately understood, based on estimated compute/storage requirements. SOG work items (with candidate SRCs to run workflows) are identified if possible. AC3: The development work necessary to integrate these workflows into SRCNet has been translated into mostly-refined features. AC4: Communication channels between SDP and SRCNet have been agreed to initiate the onboarding of pipelines over time. This could be via e.g. cross-ART Capabilities, PM meetings, a new SRCNet Science Delivery team ...
    • Inter Program
    • 1
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    • Team_LAVENDER, Team_TEAL
    • Sprint 5
    • PI24 - UNCOVERED

    • PI24-PB Team_Lavender team_TEAL


      Proposed with Teal in mind.

      However for this work to be sustainable, sharing progress across SRCNet teams is essential.


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                s.breen Breen, Shari
                M.Hardcastle Hardcastle, Martin
                0 Vote for this issue
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                Feature Progress

                  Story Point Burn-up: (0%)

                  Feature Estimate: 1.0

                  IssuesStory Points
                  To Do37.0
                  In Progress   00.0



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