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  1. SAFe Program
  2. SP-4428

EVERSE: Assess landscape of tools for assuring software quality

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    • Feature
    • Must have
    • PI23
    • None
    • National SRC
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      This task is noted as 'National SRC' activity, but will have benefits for the incoming EVERSE hire (Software Quality Engineer for SRCNet), as well as allowing us to meet our deliverable commitment to the EVERSE project.

      This task is noted as 'National SRC' activity, but will have benefits for the incoming EVERSE hire (Software Quality Engineer for SRCNet), as well as allowing us to meet our deliverable commitment to the EVERSE project.
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      AC1: A survey to assess software quality landscape within SKAO and partner organisations is developed and available to be rolled out.

      AC1: A survey to assess software quality landscape within SKAO and partner organisations is developed and available to be rolled out.
    • 0.5
    • 0.5
    • 0
    • Team_MAGENTA
    • PI23 - UNCOVERED

    • Team_Magenta


      As part of the SKA's commitment to the EVERSE project, we wish to survey software engineers in construction and SRCNet ARTs about tools used in software product assurance.

      This feature is to develop this survey to be issued to our members and collaborators by the end of PI23.

      The starting point for this work is the material collected in the MIRO board at: https://miro.com/app/board/uXjVNiCG3Lk=/ 

      By the end of the PI we want to be in a position where a survey is developed to collect inputs about tools to manage software quality aspects. The survey should take into account the inputs coming from the EVERSE project, in particular: quality dimensions, the three tiers of software quality. 

      As part of the development of this survey, it is necessary to gather feedback from relevant internal and external stakeholders. 





              m.bartolini Bartolini, Marco
              j.collinson Collinson, James
              0 Vote for this issue
              4 Start watching this issue

              Feature Progress

                Story Point Burn-up: (33.33%)

                Feature Estimate: 0.5

                IssuesStory Points
                To Do22.0
                In Progress   00.0



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