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  1. SAFe Program
  2. SP-4410

Test / initial deployment of CANFAR science platform on Italian SRC nodes

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    • SRCnet
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      • AC1: Instance of the CANFAR science platform is deployed at ITSRC and made available to test users for evaluation and feedback purposes.
      • AC2: A report summarizing the deployment and testing outcomes is available on confluence.
      • AC3: A (short) plan to deploy CANFAR on a production machine is documented (on Jira or confluence)
      AC1: Instance of the CANFAR science platform is deployed at ITSRC and made available to test users for evaluation and feedback purposes. AC2: A report summarizing the deployment and testing outcomes is available on confluence. AC3: A (short) plan to deploy CANFAR on a production machine is documented (on Jira or confluence)
    • 2
    • 1
    • 0
    • Team_ORANGE
    • Sprint 3
    • PI23 - UNCOVERED

    • SRC23-PB SRCNet0.1 Science_Platform science-platform-services


      The CANFAR Science Platform is a simple but powerful set of web services that allow users, through their browser, to spawn and then interact with analysis tools that execute close to large data sets. The user analysis tools are software containers, often created by users, that are made available, through container image registries, to the science platform.

      To carry out this deployment, we will follow the detailed guidelines provided in the CANFAR Science Platform Deployment documentation.
      The deployment will initially be conducted on test nodes within the Italian SRC. This preliminary deployment will serve as a proof of concept and will help us identify any potential issues or improvements needed before the production machines become available.


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                b.mort Mort, Ben
                F.Vitello Vitello, Fabio
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                Feature Progress

                  Story Point Burn-up: (93.33%)

                  Feature Estimate: 2.0

                  IssuesStory Points
                  To Do11.0
                  In Progress   00.0



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