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  1. SAFe Program
  2. SP-4397

Develop a first working draft of an IVOA standard for a rich science metadata model that includes improved support for radio data

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    • SRCnet
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      BH1: Provide a proper and standard description of complex radio data that could be used to support the creation of a SKA archive data model

      BH2: Build a community for CAOM evolution in the context of radioastronomy missions

      BH1: Provide a proper and standard description of complex radio data that could be used to support the creation of a SKA archive data model BH2: Build a community for CAOM evolution in the context of radioastronomy missions
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      AC0: All interested parties have had the opportunity to contribute to the shaping of our Metadata Observational Model for Radio Astronomy (i.e. a workshop) and such stakeholders are kept informed as the model is developed.

      AC1: Working Draft (WD) and VO-DataModellingLanguage (VO-DML) documents available on the IVOA website

      AC2: Demo to SRCNet ART, SDP and other relevant parties for SKA use

      AC3: Plan to present to the IVOA Northern Fall InterOp meeting

      AC0: All interested parties have had the opportunity to contribute to the shaping of our Metadata Observational Model for Radio Astronomy (i.e. a workshop) and such stakeholders are kept informed as the model is developed. AC1: Working Draft (WD) and VO-DataModellingLanguage (VO-DML) documents available on the IVOA website AC2: Demo to SRCNet ART, SDP and other relevant parties for SKA use AC3: Plan to present to the IVOA Northern Fall InterOp meeting
    • 4
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    • Team_RED
    • Sprint 4
    • PI23 - UNCOVERED

    • SRC23-PB science-metadata


      The IVOA is looking for a metadata model that properly describes radio data. ObsCore Radio Extension defines some extra metadata but it does not address complex dataset metadata. CAOM is in the process of endorsement by the IVOA for describing complex dataset metadata and as a standard data model for radio data. The ObsCore table would be implemented as a simplified view on the complex data model. This would be an SRCNet contribution to the IVOA.

      Steps to be followed:

      • Invite members of the SRCNet community to participate in the IVOA discussion (e.g. SP-4330)
      • Coordinate a discussion within the IVOA community
      • Publish VO-DML document on the IVOA website that includes the accepted ObsCore Radio extensions
      • Publish IVOA Working Draft (WD) of the data model on the IVOA website


      Notes from PI23 Planning (BM):

      • standardizing version 2.5 (not 2.4)
        • extensions for radio data
        • extensions from implementing partners
        • aligning with other ivoa data models
        • possibly dropping some unused fields
      • Deliverables:
        • CAOM 2.5 Working Draft (IVOA)
        • Updated documentation on opencadc.org and github.com/opencadc


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                F.Bonnarel Bonnarel, Francois
                Jesus.Salgado Salgado, Jesus
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                  Feature Estimate: 4.0

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                  To Do520.0
                  In Progress   25.0



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